Which book?


Full Member

I'm just wondering what the most recent updated Atkins book is? Which is the best one to get?

Thanks muchly

Yes I was also wondering about this!
As far as I'm aware, the newest version is "New Atkins, New You" published in 2010. That's the version I've been (loosely) following, and I haven't done too badly ;)

Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the main difference in the new version is the emphasis on eating more low carb vegetables in the early stages of the plan. Also, I think the original stance on caffeine has changed and possibly on some artificial sweeteners (not too sure about that, though, and I don't have the older books to check).

As to which is best, I don't think you'll find agreement on that one! I've done fine on the new version and would definitely recommend it, but other people prefer the original, particularly those who are very carb-sensitive (I am not).

Thanks for your replies! :)
The newer ones might have been tweaked by Atkins Nutritionals (who want to sell us their bars and other junk). I'd personally go for a copy of an older more 'pure' version. It might be exactly the same, I don't know, but i'd want the words of Atkins himself.