
evil weevil

Full Member
I went out this afternoon for coffee with a friend. The coffee pot was huge so I reckon I absentmindedly had 4 cups while we nattered away. I haven't had caffeine for nearly 3 weeks, I think my eyeballs are vibrating and I still can't sleep!

On the up side, my bra back strap suddenly went up 2 fastenings this morning, and the skin on my face is clear again. :) My friend was very interested in the diet, and very supportive which is good - if I tell anyone at work I know I'll be told to not be so stupid so it's good to have some 'real life' support. So far at work all they know is I'm bringing cup a soups in to save money ;)
I am always surprised but how inventive secretive exante slimmer's can be ! The only person who knows I'm doing it is hubs and it's fine with him because it's only 4 weeks or so but I'm thinking I might do some more after my challenge is up now. Well done on getting this far, hope your eyeballs have settle down a bit xxx
I agree, I find alot of people (including my friends) are not very supportive of this diet and do make out it's bad for you and won't work in the long term etc, but im actually healthier when doing this diet as I was not eating all my correct RDA's of vitamins and minerals before on the diet.
My skin is better too so must be doing something apart from melting the lbs away!

Keep going and well done! :)

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Hey Weevil - just noticed, you're another tall person like me!! :D

Great to have you on board the good ship Exante!

Good luck! :)