Women Food and God


is Magdalicious
Hi ladies. I've not posted much on here lately cause I've been really busy with work but I just wanted to tell you about a book I'm reading. It's called exactly that... Women Food and God (by Geneen Roth).
And no, it's not a book about religion. Word God has been used here very loosely.
For you who haven't heard of it or read it.
It's absolutely fascinating, eye opening and mesmerising!
I couldn't recommend it enough for anyone who's on this forum to come to terms with their relationship with food and the effects it has on ones life!
I'll quote in a nutshell the back page of the book. It talks about a relatively basic but profound concept.
The way we eat is inseparable from our core beliefs about being alive. The author urges us to pay attention to what we truly need- which cannot be found in a supermarket. Ultimately, she reveals how our relationship with food is the doorway to freedom and what we want most: the demystification of weight loss and the luminous presence that so many of us call 'God'.

Get the book ladies (and gentlemen, it's valid for guys too).
£10 worth spending!


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Thanks for that - off to amazon for a quick look.