

nearly there!! :)

ive gone from a bmi of 35 to 25 in 12 weeks!!
:8855: hee hee!!! Congrats on being normal:rolleyes:- I would like to be normal in both senses at some point but I dont think mentally it is going to happen! :D
Well done Catz, It really is nice to be classed as normal and not overweight or obese. Won't be long until your at goal.
You go girl!!!!!
LS ya cheeky biddy lol!! thats what my mam said...personally i do think im NORMAL in both senses lol!!

thanks lmm ull be there to in no time!! well in one sense at least haha
:clap: It must be great to be normal!!!! Well done, just looked at your weekly stats and you've done brilliantly :)
thanks mary xxx
its getting scary only 2 wis left in abstinance!!
Thats fantastic well done you :D.

Emma xXx
thanks katie i know i shouldnt jinx myself but ive not had a loss lower than 3lb which is amazing!! please everyone touch wood haha

ls think my oh would argue im firey lol love a good aul debate/row!! haha but thank u xxx
All this dancing and jumping around you are doing is great exercise (I know you are jumping around like a mad woman you woldnt be normal other wise lol).I went in for quite a bit of roof top shouting when I was normal everyone thought i was mad but no I was normal lol.Enjoy this feeling its better than sex :eek: Stick to the plans they are important and you will be 1 year maintainer before you know it:bliss:
andy u will be there in no time and ill be dancing for u xxx

mandye i refuse to give in now...im gonna be a maintainer and refuse NOT ta get there (im VERY stubborn lol) im so delighted to be where i am ta day. i seen my before pics today...oh my god i look so wide!! oh and get after done next week so gotta decide what ta wear for that lol!!
Well done Catz on getting to goal (or "normal") so quickly !!!
Congratulations Catz

You have done so well in such a short time.
Fantastic achievement.
Well done xxxx:bliss::whoopass::bliss::bliss::bliss:
Wow thats a wonderful achievement - congratulations.:chores016:
Well done Catz! Nearly time for RTM........ Feels great to be thin for Christmas rather than worrying about starting yet another new year diet doesn't it!
caz its the BEST xmas pressieive EVER given myself. im so glad ill be in rtm for x mas not that i can eat just for me the fact that i did it for the first time in my life ill be smaller than ive been since bout 10years old...its amazing!! :)
Fantastic! Well done. xx:D