Working Solutions Working Solution - more anxious than I thought


Hello you wonderful people who have secretly kept me going over the past 67 days. Without all of your diary entries and thoughts and silent support I would have really struggled. So a big THANK YOU.
I tried this diet back in March but became disheartened at what I thought were low weight losses so went back to the wine and carbs. But then I said to myself if I don't loose weight this year I will stop fretting and buy bigger clothes. That was enough to spur me on and so I set myself a time goal, rather than a weight goal, and promised myself no weigh-in 'til the time was up. The big and very happy surprise is that I did it.
I am only just 5' 3" and used to being very petite so for me being just shy of 12st was uncomfortable. 67 days later I am 9st 5lb!!! Many of my old clothes fit again, many still do not which I put down to having been super-fit and muscle takes up less space. I am a bit baggy though!
So, onwards and WS time. I am having a four day break (festival time) and then WS until the end of September - and no weigh-in as it stops my head from fretting and calculating. I have got so used to the comfort of the shakes and now adding a meal is more worrying than I could ever have thought. But the avocado salad was delish and the big chunk of marzipan (snout from a hedgehog birthday cake!) will have got me out of ketosis in preparation for the wine tomorrow.
Again, thanks for all of your posts and letting me mooch around your diet lives. And to anyone starting it really works if you can get past the dizziness and coldness (even when it is 30 degrees) and hunger/boredom pangs.
So, just for today...I can do it!
Oh that is so motivating, thank you for posting that.

It really is silly isn't it when we give up a diet because of low losses! All the time we are maintaining or not putting on the weight should be celebrated. I may take a leaf out of your book and not weigh myself (I am a daily weigher)!

Good luck
OK - one week into WS stint. It felt like a restart after the break - headahces, achy legs, super-chilly. I must say that although the food is nice the extra 200 calories doesn't seem to make me feel any fuller. My danger time is the evening so I only have my first shake at 3.00pm, then 6.00pm, then food at 7.00pm (with kids) and shake at bedtime. I want to try having a breakfast shake to prepare for "normal" eating habbits...
Time to shape-up a bit so did first attempt at the Shred yesterday (trouble going up stairs today!)
No idea on weight loss - but I can only tell in clothes - naked I look the same (how is that???).