World Of Warcarft

Ah World of Warcraft lol lots of fun!

As i said in my previous post if anyone fancies a go on Draenor on a horde character give me a shout and I'll show you about :) I have a lvl 80 blood elf priest, she's good at pew pewing.

Havent managed to get the Lich King down yet but have got up to Sindragossa in ICC 10 ;)

My other half is what's known as a "king slayer" he managed it on 25 man though
Lol My hordies are based on Deathwing PVP - tho dont do the PVP bit. My GM is trying to get me to transfer my Alli Lock to Horde - but I wont do it so close to new xpansion pack. I really want to fly my own birds round Elwynn Forest ;). I'm trying hard to get a lvl 80 hordie but its taking its time - am only at lvl 31 atm... but will get there not just in time for the xpansion. Have about 6 toons on each side - tho two of my alli are bank toons. Am thinking of deleting my warrior and hunter - but not sure yet. I prefer casters really.
I've just down loaded the new patch and I'm suicidal :cry: thought of Cata scared me enough as it is but cant make head nor tale of half the stuff i know its easier but its all sooooo different :confused: and they have taken quest helper away :cry: my confuzeld head is sooooo sore
Go to curse and get a quest helper there, that's what I had before the other quest helper came in. I havent got the new patch yet (well I personally havent, my other half may have patched my computer today since he's off, he done his own yesterday).
cant hun.
new patch does not allow quest helper at all. no matter what version you have (i've tried am all :cry:) big message on screen from Blizz, its is not compatible and wont be, there goes my Loremaster:(
I haven't logged in in a couple of weeks, and no idea what has/hasn't been broken with the patch, but the best add-ons I found for Loremaster are EveryQuest and Lightheaded.

EveryQuest gives a breakdown of quests per zone, and colours them depending on if you've done it or not, fantastic for checking for those loose quests. Lightheaded adds WowHead into the game, so you can see the comments that would appear on WowHead. It was great for when I found a quest to do in EveryQuest, but wasn't sure where it started.

I used Quest Helper for about a day, I found it lagged me so much. I always used to use Carbonite for quests, but eventually just got used to the standard built-in quest tracker, and been fine ever since.

Oh god, what am I going to do without my Quest Helper! *cry*
LOL its not good without Questhelper. I dont like a lot of the new stuff.... like the social window where you used to look up other guilds or even other players to see there guild - its not there anymore - the social window only shows your own guild. To get to see anyone ie your old guilds etc you have to type /who in chat to bring up the old screen. I also hate the fact that we dont have so many talent points any more and some of the talents have changed beyond all recognition. After the patch I came on to find my Lock had lost nearly everything. Even if you had put food into your action bars its not there...and worst thing of all if you are a lock - your demons are mostly impostors!!! Most locks have found that their demons names' have changed... There was a massive fuss on the WoW forums over it and apparently Blizz have seen sense and will be changing the names back in the next maintenance schedule. I will still play but dont like all the new changes. The level up "jingle" and screen flash is quite good and I do like the way that you get a combat screen type message to tell you of your new skills that you have learnt. I guess like any other previous patch etc it will take time to get used to. Questhelper is a big loss but it wont be long before someone loads Curse up with something similar.
as suggested by Tri, everyquest seems compatible.:)
not got a lock so i don't know about those. tbh i was not very good with the in game mechanics but how simple or the new talent trees!!!, you don't really get any choice at all witch is a bit pants :(.
enhance shammy are practically un playable!!! i have nt really done anything with the new patch, 8 set of talents and re training is not capturing my imagination right now :p
will prolly start faffing about next week when i'm off so any tips v welcome :D
Oh a WoW i heaven!

I have a few 80's.(Mage, Priest, Hunter and DK) My main is a Mage and i am so not impressed with this new patch. They have nerfed us hugely, mainly me as fire 25% down to 10 and have left arcane up at 15%.

Is anyone else still raiding? Or all taking a break til Cata?

We are still battling with some of the ICC25 Heroics. Think we are going to keep going until about 4 weeks before Cata and then clear up some achievements before it releases.
cant hun.
new patch does not allow quest helper at all. no matter what version you have (i've tried am all :cry:) big message on screen from Blizz, its is not compatible and wont be, there goes my Loremaster:(

My hubby just got Loremaster last week, he was so so bored by the end. How many more do you need?
inbuilt QH still works.. i used to prefer QH but now i much prefer the ingame one.. and it doesnt affect the running of the game like add ons do..

Anyone seen the cinematic intro for cata that was released last night??!?!?!?!?! its amaaaaaaaaazing

Im still raiding, well me and my guild..
I think that I am getting used to the new changes - not a raider on horde as too low - am not going to faction change as my GM wants me to, so will have to get my Alli lock up to speed - have not raided with her for prob 18months - 2 years so my gear and dps will be well out of date. Will have to change guilds too - might plead nicely with one of my old ones lol.

Kitteh - do you post on the WoW forums under that name too ? Seen your name there but not sure if it was on Stormrage or Deathwing Forums lol.
I think that I am getting used to the new changes - not a raider on horde as too low - am not going to faction change as my GM wants me to, so will have to get my Alli lock up to speed - have not raided with her for prob 18months - 2 years so my gear and dps will be well out of date. Will have to change guilds too - might plead nicely with one of my old ones lol.

Kitteh - do you post on the WoW forums under that name too ? Seen your name there but not sure if it was on Stormrage or Deathwing Forums lol.

You will have her back up and running in no time, gear is stupidly easy to get now. I was almost fully epic on my priest within 24 hours of hitting 80, just used the dungeon finder and got the extra emblems (now JP) and was away.

Does help that my hubby is a resto shammy and our 14 yr old is a DK tank lol

Do any of you play with your other halves?
Im not liking this new patch. My hunter had reasonable dps and now its been nerfed im at the bottom :( Gutted as i got her to 80 the week before the patch and she was brilliant!
Im not hardcore so its taking me a while to get my gear, i am doing it though and i do like the JP's!! :)
My OH is getting used to the changes. Were just having fun with all the halloween stuff :D
Yeah they have nerfed a lot of classes. The Rogues are struggling in our guild atm and they hunters are nowhere near as high in dps as they were :(

I am not really liking this patch either, so many bugs. You would have thought they would have ironed them all out on the PTR but it seems they are using this as more of a test run, which sucks for us as we are still raiding.

The Halloween is one of my favourite world events on there, have fun!