Wrinkly's Diary.

Ok. I've not been having as many as I should so just wondered. Does spinach count? Was gonna have some in an omelette this morning with some cheese.
Spinach is excellent love.
thanks Jim. Sorry Wrinkly, mini hijack!

Ooo Jim!! You are sooo masterful.... :eek: :D

As to veggies, I'm glad we can eat them, it somehow makes a meal so much more satisfying. I have realized that three mugs add up to about 210grms raw veg' so that's fine. I like to weigh because I can't trust my guess work. I will stick to the strict '72 allowances, which doesn't allow tomatoes on phase one. Reading it now again, I notice it is all green veg except radish - which I don't like. You are right Jim, it needs to be read & reread.
Spot on love, it is all green veggie. I could never understand how radish got through, but as I like it I was happy with that.
Hey Jar, everyone! I love everyones input, that's what it's all about. Help, advice & support all round. :grouphugg: :thankyou:
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Yes it is wrinkly love.
Hi Wrinkly, yep, we're a pretty good bunch!
I don't use cups either, i don't really 'get' them. I just weight it out and use the labels if they have it, if not, carb counter. I must say that i bet i have way more veg than i probably should in amount wise but i do tend to stay within the carb range for it, if that makes sense.

Hope the restart is going ok Wrinkly?
I used mugs, couldn't be arsed with weighing. I'd just chop up some veggies stuff it in the mug and keep chopping until it was full.
Claire, you've changed your avatar! Where's the pink power ranger?
Claire, 5.9 so far today that includes the Hellmann's Mayo on my salad leaves, cucumber & Olives. Oh & 1tsp cream in each of my two coffees.

How small do you chop Jim? I weigh first then chop.

Jar, why is that thing that looks like a choc bar, sitting there tempting me??
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Sorry Wrinky-dink, I'll get rid of it - didn't know how to post it as I dont have a photo share site, put it in for the review link.

Claire, thought that's why you'd done it! Not sure which of my addictions I'd put on there. David Tennant would probably be top of the list!
Sorry Wrinky-dink, I'll get rid of it - didn't know how to post it as I dont have a photo share site, put it in for the review link.

Lol Jar, Just leave it there, it's character building.. :eatdrink051:
At least it's low carb, Wrinkly!
If it's leaves like cabbage and stuff I just rip it apart with my fingers love. Celery and mushrooms and stuff I chop quite chunky, I like my veggies crisp and crunchy.