WW Pancake recipe


Full Member
I would love some help here. On the WW website, they have a recipe for pancakes that they say are 0.5 points each. Whichever way I look at it, I get 1 point per pancake! Which is right, please?
Recipe :
125g flour (6 and a bit! points)
1 medium egg (2.5)
1/2 pint skimmed milk (2 and a bit)
spray oil for frying.
Yield : 12
I love them!
using the recipe builder i get 0.5

Flours 6
1 egg is 1.5
and 1/2pnt of skimmed milk is 1pnt

and thanx for that my family love pancakes but i worked them at 2 pnts each so very occational treat but now mmm
Thank you for that. I live in France and our points are not the same! How come you get eggs and milk for less? Not fair! LOL
I'm still going to eat them as they seem to really fill you up! Gorgeous with maple syrup.....drool!
That seems a bit silly, maybe ur chickens and cows make produce with more calories... blimin unhealthy animals lmao

Thanx for the recipe though I had these this morning and omg they were the fluffiest yummiest pancakes ive ever made