Attack Yogurt

Which is the best yogurt to have in attack stage? I tried the total 0% today and it was horrid!!! I saw from other people's comments that muller light is a tolerated food and not suitable for attack. What does everyone else have ??
When I did Attack 1st time, Mueller Light Toffee & Vanilla were both allowed (I was being "coached" and advised of this.) Not sure the latest as diet seems to change and adapt.

Have you tried adding Splenda and maybe a tiny drop of vanilla (or other) essence to f/f plain yogurt? That's how I make mine and its a good safe bet throughout the whole diet.
Dukan talks about "flavour enhancers" to get you through Attack and diet. I classify vanilla essence as one of these. The amount is so small and negligible and much more than what would be in the Mueller Light (which I just checked my book and it said okay for Vanilla and Toffee, but saw another post that this is no longer allowed?)
I go with the Morrisson's fat free natural yoghurt and add a tsp of Splenda along with either Vanilla essesnce or strawberry flavouring. It's not quite strawberries and cream but it will get you through the Attack phase!!
I add a little unset sugar free jelly to my plain yogurt which sweetens and flavours, only needs a tablespoonful or two and stir in well......
You can also stirr in the SF jelly powder, this will flavour the yoghurt as well and you don't need much either.
I had weight watchers toffee and vanilla yogs and onken vanilla yog x
I eat the Total Zero with fresh lime juice and a sprinkle of splenda - yum!