Your Body Magic

Ran just under 3 miles today, 36 minutes. It was the first long run my friend did without breaks! Next week we'll get up to the full 3.1. After race for life in two weeks time will probably go for 4 1/2 as that is the lake and also running to and from my house. Whoop! :)

Oh also remembered today I had another pair of jeans I have never fit into before right?got them online, size 12 but never made it past just above my knees to my absolute horror. When Darren saw them last year he asked why he had never seen me wear them, so explained the embarrassing story. So he asks why keep them (perfectly brand new jeans I was so upset) and I said 'they're my thinspiration jeans'. A year after buying them, today I am wearing them!

Excuse the overly large t shirt, it's a slouchy day today after running early this morning

Feeling good! =D


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That is fab!! It looks like there's a bit of room in them too! :D
Body magic update...

About 4 hours of housework & gardening + 30 Day Shred Level 1

Actually starting to find some bits of 30DS a bit on the easy side, so might be time to progress to Level 2 in the next week... eeek! :eek:
Body magic update...

About 4 hours of housework & gardening + 30 Day Shred Level 1

Actually starting to find some bits of 30DS a bit on the easy side, so might be time to progress to Level 2 in the next week... eeek! :eek:

EASY??? Oh my it's working! =) damn I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get the DVD! eBay must have it cheap
Jodie i would need to hook up my laptop to TV downstairs to do the You Tube ones...effort!

I went to the garage in hopes of finding my silly little 0.25kg dumbbells.

Instead I found my husbands! Decided I'd bring just one into the house, luck would have it I picked up the one with more weigh on it. This lil bugga I could never pick up with one hand and hubby used to laugh at me.

Well! Look who is slightly less weak and feeble! I've done about 20 minutes of dumbbell swishing :p and then decided to see what weight I was actually lifting.

8 1/2kg!! My god. The only exercise I struggled with was the Core Strength (hold wit both hands dead ahead and move left to centre, right to centre) now in reality I very much doubt they'd tailored those online women's exercises to an 8.5kg dumbell, so not exactly disappointed that I had to drop every return to centre!

Checking online, I see that 8.5kg equals just over 1stone!! I definitely like the idea of lifting weights every now and again, especially when I think that I've lost about 2 1/2 of those dumbbells!! How did I ever carry that weight!!

It also means I've got that much weight still to lose. Me and Mr 8.5 are gonna get along like a house on fire ^.^
Oh I see!! I suppose I could have a bash at it this space! I really wanna do it after seeing the photos online, I feel like its the thing that's gonna make me finally happy with my body. Right now I'm less concerned about weight and just shape :) how are you getting on with it?
Just done the first day!! I didn't wanna kill myself until those bicycle crunch things near the end though :) not as hard as I thought it would be, but bet if I didn't run or swim I would be crying by now!

Now I've successfully jinxed for a shower! *sweaty face syndrome*

Oh and we reached our Race For life fundraising target today! And actually just gone over it. £155 :)
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Thank yoooo =D

The John Wayne walk has begun! 12 hours after, and BAM...I'm in agony =( good luck to me for day 2 tomorrow! >.<
Hahaha I was worse the day after ;) Good luck with 6am!! xx