Your Body Magic

Safe to say I did NOT successfully get out if bed at 6am lol! My pelvis is fused I swear...hurties =( I'm at work all day but am determined to do it tonight before bed! Not quite sure how far my legs will stretch out at the end though!
Safe to say I did NOT successfully get out if bed at 6am lol! My pelvis is fused I swear...hurties =( I'm at work all day but am determined to do it tonight before bed! Not quite sure how far my legs will stretch out at the end though!

Hehehe! I remember that feeling well! :D

I didn't manage any body magic today thanks to stupid work demands.... boooo :( Going to get up at ridiculous o'clock tomorrow morning to squeeze in a 30DS before leaving for work at an equally ridiculously time :(
Oh nooo I read about your day, that must have left you feeling so wound up! =(

Near to 10pm, and I did day 2, yay ^.^ I was shocked when it finished, I thought 'eh was that it' haha. 27 minutes goes quick :)


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Oh nooo I read about your day, that must have left you feeling so wound up! =(

Near to 10pm, and I did day 2, yay ^.^ I was shocked when it finished, I thought 'eh was that it' haha. 27 minutes goes quick :)

Haha yep, I think I was definitely scowling at a few people in the office by the time 8pm rolled around, but by the time I left I was the only one there so nobody left to vent at apart from myself! Am a bit more chilled now I've had my tea, but really need to get to bed now if I'm to have any hope of getting up in time tomorrow morning!

Well done you doing day 2 already! :D It does fly by doesn't it, it's great! x
I'm up at 7am tomorrow for work again too, did 8-6pm today, walked into hubby saying 'oh yay, Lauren's home, you can make me my din dins now' he thought it was cute lol! Cheeky monkey. Needless to say, yes I did feed him, and as punishment it was chicken chow mein with about 8 kinds of vegetables in it. And he never eats anything unless it has beige running through it haha ^.^

Hope you get in that 30DS tomorrow! I'm running after SW so will see if I feel like still doing it after :) already done 3 days of body magic this week! (My week starts on Saturdays)
*Pictured below* Cheaper than downloading it on iBooks! Read the sample pages though online and decided its an interesting read =) I just discovered I am in fact 5ft 4in so an inch shorter than I though haha =( my ideal weight is apparently 133lb now *cries* how can I measure my heart rate decently, anyone know? I have an app in my phone but its rubbish. I need to make sure my heart rate is high enough when I exercise as perhaps I'm not at a high enough level?? I have a watch where you touch the sensor but that's awkward :-/


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Nah! Never a bad time to shred =D I'll be doing it again at 10pm tomorrow by looks of things! =) idea how you managed that so early! I only just rolled out of bed praying the day goes quick! :)

Jodie, is level 1 boring yet? =P
Haha I'm dreading level 2 too... haven't even tried just watching it through yet!! Whichever level has burpees is going to be the one that kills me!! x
30 mins 30DS and then 50 minutes running! ^.^


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I've just totted up the number of times I've done Level 1 and I'm on 7 too! That's the most times I have ever done a single exercise routine!! :)

Should I do it tomorrow morning or not? It's weigh-in day.... hmmmm.... it's either that or the gym
Need to go do day 4 tonight >.< knew I should of done it this morning instead of sleeping in until 10!