My photos before and after 1 stone loss. Do I look any different?


Starting again...
I have been playing around with my photos, I have lost my first stone and took a new photo of my self, minus my head LOL

The 1st of each side is at 15stone 3 the 2nd photo is at 14.2 Not much difference though :(
There is a very obvious difference! You look loads better already, well done! Photos make it real. Keep going, you are going to look great, especially when get your head back from wherever it's gone! Hugs
Hi Karen,

Well you might not be able to see it but I definitely can :D Look around your midriff & your belly - your t-shirt was tight before but now it's not :D

Your boobs are definitely smaller and your legs don't look so bumpy :)

Sorry if this sounds rude btw - it's not meant to be :)

Yeah, I can most definitely see a difference. In my first pics of a stone off I couldn't see any diference at all but everyone else pointed it out to me - I still can't see a difference mind hahahaha

Keep at it and you'll soon see the difference yourself :D:D:D:D
Hi 5stone2lose,

That is fantastic!

You can really see the difference:)

Great idea for the photos side by side.
I think my middle is alot smaller but my arse is still massssssssssssive lol:eek:
That is because you look like you have an hour glass figure emerging :) and you are on the right track.

Did you measure yourself before you started?
Just look at your shoulders and your arms - definite shrinkage there and aroiund your ribs and boobs!
Did you do your measurements?
That is one thing I always do. I have a spreadsheet that and I put in date, weight, pounds lost(or gained :( )then Waist , Bust, Hips, hip widest part, Left upper arm, Right upper arm, L thigh, r thigh, L knee, R knee. I then total the inches lost and take them form the starting ones. SOunds complicated but it is easy. It is those 1/2 inch losses when the punds stop shifting that keep me going.

Mind you Mini has a much more hi-brow method with complex angles etc, I'm sure she will share it with you (Sorry Mini LOL)
There is definately a difference, well done!
I did measure my self when I started but I cant find the tape measure now ... bloody kids were playing with it arghhhhhh lol
I measures my chest, waist, hips and thighs, so will let you know how many cm's i lost when I find the tape measure!
Of course there's a difference!!! :eek: You are definitely shaping up, hun....:)
Thanks for the comments. Its nice that other people can see it as hubby says he cant tell ( I think hes getting a bit nervous im going to become a model and leave him lol)
Thanks for the comments. Its nice that other people can see it as hubby says he cant tell ( I think hes getting a bit nervous im going to become a model and leave him lol)

You'd be surprised how many men have that same fear as their partners lose weight :rolleyes:

Love your Peppa Pig avatar btw :D
I was just looking at your measurements on another thread and they are so impressive:) :) :)

17 lbs down and ...

My bust 1.5 inches ( not alot but I dont want to lose them lol)

My waist 5.9 inches :)

my Hips 3.9 inches

My thigh 2.3 inches

total of 13.66 inches off my body so far.

That is awesome:D
I was just looking at your measurements on another thread and they are so impressive:) :) :)

17 lbs down and ...

My bust 1.5 inches ( not alot but I dont want to lose them lol)

My waist 5.9 inches :)

my Hips 3.9 inches

My thigh 2.3 inches

total of 13.66 inches off my body so far.

That is awesome:D

Thanks Mini, I have got my confidence back about the diet now i have changed to cd, and im so happy that i didnt give up!! thank goodness for CD.:)