Green Eyed Girl's Diary.. here goes nothing! and everything.

Can you believe that you've lost a whole stone in two weeks? Isn't that amazing? Better still, you've taken TS in your stride despite having to dash back from Paris at very short notice, take care of a sick hubby, and look after your wee ones. You've stuck to the diet 100%. Before you started Exante I bet you thought you'd never be able to do that without suffering, struggling and maybe slipping regularly. A whole stone, gone. I love this diet LOL x
Thanks serial. And yourself! I don't hear about your daily challenges and like us all I'm sure there are loads.

If we want this bad enough nothing is going to stop us.
You're right. We're on our way. I think we start to lose weight for real when something 'clicks'. What that something is I can't say. All I know is that whenever I tried to restart only to fail - and I've done that many times in recent years - I never knew why I couldn't get back into it. Then, suddenly, it was 'time'. It's baffling but here we are, and we're losing weight at last x
Day 16

Apple and cinnamon porridge brekkie - early, I was quite hungry this morn.
Raspberry bar for lunch - last one and I won't be buying them again.
Hazelnut shake for dinner - 8 more of them to go before I never buy them again. :)

As you can guess all my favourites from the pack are almost gone.. I've an order on the way, but it takes ages to Ireland. So I'll get through some of my less favourite stuff, not all bad... waste not want not!

I'm having another good day, I'm still very focused on the end goal. Hope everyone else is doing well. Can't wait to have a few more weeks under my belt.
A couple of people have mentioned that the hazelnut shake is, well, no great shakes LOL. I won't risk it. I'm waiting for some bars. It's bitterly cold here and snowing in lots of places. There's very thick frost in my back garden and I'm pretty sure it will snow during the night.

I can't wait to lose another stone at least because then the losses will start to show. Honest G you're doing fantastically well and this diet is the Bee's Knees. I'm saving for more meals and soups x
Just remembered - I need to add 200 calories-worth of low carb food. I'm about to make a lovely Avera coffee with Splenda and a bit of single cream! Way to go LOL x
Day 17

Maple syrup pancakes for brekkie
Pasta, ham and mushroom soup for lunch.
Still deciding on dinner..

Grand day :)

Serial, how are u getting on? What meal did you decide on tonight?
I had pancakes again, with an extra whole egg and some sugar-free maple syrup. Plus a coffee with 2 tsp single cream. About to have another coffee. Feels luxurious! LOL. I'm also trying to do a bit of shuffling from foot to foot every day. That has to pass for 'exercise' right now! My bars arrived whoopee! Still eyeing the curry and risotto packs uneasily. Their day will come.

Tomorrow I'll add finely chopped onion, garlic and herbs to a sausage pack then have it for lunch (cooked!) with a real fried egg. If it tastes good I may do the same for dinner x
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Day 18

Had a sneaky midweek WI again. Dunno what it is about Saturday mornings lol. Anyway good news another 2 lbs off. So thats me at 15st 12lbs and 16lbs off in total. Delighted that it's properly moving in the right direction and that its worth ignoring any food thoughts. 15st can't come quick enough. Major milestone for me :)

Packs for today:
Apple and cinnamon porridge (I'd to share with my twins lol)
Cherries and berries shake for lunch. The shakes all have the same underlying taste to me... something about them.
Still debating dinner but i think I'll have my sat night fav; gooey chocolate pudding.

Have a good evening girls x
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Oh! And hubby has lost 2st 2lbs!!
FANTASTIC. Bet you let out a squee of happiness! 15st 12lb. IN THE 15s! And it feels good. I'm not sure whether to weigh on Wednesday because Isis 'gained' 4lb on her scales after eating real food - and not much of it. I know it's glycogen, not fat. I also know that if I regain water it will vanish once I get back to my new normal (!). We shall see.

Tonight I made-up a sausage pack and added finely chopped onion and garlic. I then mixed-in one whole egg and fried the lot in a wee bit of oil. The result was a sort of sausage and egg patty. Not bad at all. It helped to mask the strange underlying flavour of the sausage mix. Tomorrow I'll mix half an egg pack with half a sausage pack and see how it comes out. Ordered some more bars to take advantage of the extra 40% off. Can't really afford them but I knew I'd regret not buying them. The bars keep me going! x
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I'm the same serial, the bars keep me going too. I've some on the way as well.
You're being very restrained on your food week, using the packs and just adding a bit of 'something'. I really hope that you don't have any adverse results :( I'd be devastated for you.

When I saw 2lbs in 3 days, I couldn't get over it. But now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have done it because now I will be disappointed if I stand on the scales next Wednesday and there's no more loss, whereas before I stood on the scales this morning I would have been thrilled with 2lbs off for the week. I'm mentally torturing myself :) Oh why do we do it! I am just willing those scales down lol. Maybe I should miss the WI on Wednesday as well !
I don't advise mid-week weighing because the scale then becomes the all-in-all of your diet journey. Once a week is ample. Women in particular have hormone and fluid level changes all day long, every day of the week, and these changes affect the number you see. That number often has nothing to do with fat and can go up or down alarmingly. So I weigh once a week, and no more. I don't want to get addicted to the scale, nor to experience the gutted feeling when the number stays the same for days on end. I don't want to become too scared to weigh, either! LOL. Always one extreme or another. I'm adding roughly 200 calories per day at present, all low-carb. I think this is good for health and for the metabolism. Exante wouldn't recommend this unless clinical studies had shown it to be advisable. You're losing weight fast and I'm pretty sure you'll lose a total of 4lb this week - probably every week, or most x
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Day 19

Can't believe I'm heading into day 20, feels like ages ago and in another way only yesterday that I did my first pack !

Another fine day, like every other weekend, too busy running around with the kids to eat during the day, so packs are easy.

Apple and cinnamon porridge for brekkie (did I mention I love them and I bought a box of 50 when they were on special).
Pasta Carbonara for lunch, done more like a cuppa soup.
.. has anyone just had 2 packs a day and suffered any ill effects? (Must google) I've had 2 coffees with a bit of milk in them today so I might pass on the third pack for fear of too many calories.

Serial you're right about the scales becoming the be-all and end-all. We're putting 100% of everything into this diet so we can see the results and if our bodies decide not to give up the fat then it's devastating. I am going to ban my sneaky Saturday morning weigh-ins and focus on the day to day.. I'm still 100% determined reach each of my milestones, get there as soon as I can so I can get on with maintaining, which will be the hard part.
How's your day ??
Hi Girl. You NEED all three packs each day because they are designed to provide, together, the nutrition needed for health. Don't skip packs as you will become malnourished and go into 'starvation mode' where your weight loss will slow as your body tries to keep you 'alive'. You will burn muscle as well as fat and that is a serious matter. Don't be tempted to go lower and lower in calories at the cost of your wellbeing. You risk anaemia and other vitamin/mineral deficiencies, too. It's not worth it.

I had a good day. Devoured my half egg-half sausage pack. This is now my favourite savoury Exante meal. Yum. I had an extra bar today in honour of 'food week' and six tiny sugar-free Werthers!

Put the scales away. Once a week! You don't want another damaging addiction LOL x
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Day 20

Apple and cinnamon porridge for breakfast
Banana shake for lunch
Gonna try beef casserole for dinner shortly... I've seen mixed reviews so far. Real beef casserole wouldn't be a favourite of mine so we'll see.

Another good day. Girls in work all passing around Lindt chocolates and I honestly didn't feel like I was missing out. And my 'friend' who's worried about me being on this diet was trying to persuade me to have one. More fool her :) I am as strong and focussed on my goal as ever.

I started taking what will be my photo catalogue of each stone off. Hubby took them for me and god almighty I'm an absolute disgrace in them. I made sure I wore leggings and quite a clingy top in the photos, you would never normally catch me dead in that combo, not even slouching around the house. Things can only get better!

Hope everyone is having a good day x
I took a good look at myself in the mirror before I knuckled-down to dieting. So tubby in my leggings and not-so-baggy-anymore jumper dress. Oh, boy! Depressing but in a way you've got to laugh. At least now we're doing something about it x
Day 21

The usual for breakfast
toffee, nut and raisin bar for lunch
2 slices of ham, about 20gr of cheese and a couple of sugar snap peas for dinner :eek: all added to less than 200 cals and I fancied it :) sure what harm...

Delighted that I made an educated choice and not one bit upset with myself at all . I just had a moment this evening where I fancied some real food and so I did. So a good day all in all.

Still looking forward to WI tomorrow :)

Serial how are you feeling? Tried to reply to you twice earlier but I don't seem to be able to...
Hello again G. I fell asleep today after another long sleepless night. I had food, too - three fried eggs and they were yum. Tomorrow I go back on TS. Your wee meal sounds lovely and also nutritious. You'll enjoy food week - I sure did despite this heavy cold.

I'm still laughing at your comments on how you looked in that tight top and leggings. So funny and heartfelt x
Hey S! Get all the sleep you need to get yourself over that xxx 3 fried eggs yummmmmmm. how are you feeling today?
Did you make a decision on whether to WI?

Day 22

I WI this morning and I'm down to 15st 11lbs, 3lbs total down on last week. Delighed, woohoo. All going in the right direction.

So this is the start of week 4 and the extra calories my week of food... I'm in London at the moment with work, and of course lunch was the focus of today. I was paying for lunch for the team, I just didn't feel like I could sit there and not eat without it looking bizzare (even though they're all men they probably wouldn't have even noticed :) ) so I chose the egg salad from the menu, and it was the smallest saddest little salad I've ever seen, no chance I even ate 200cals ! The guys were all having burgers with fries, onions rings, dips......... sorry!

Hopefully another good food choice. I really feel armed with the calorific facts this time, so I don't feel guilty breaking the diet in that repect. I'm home tomorrow, so the food challenge will end then, back to the old routine of porridge etc..

Yes, the sight of me in the top and leggings was something to behold! I should have that picture taped to the inside of the cuboards, every time I open them it would make me shut them straight away !