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    Three word post game ....

    Hundreds of huge
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    Song Game

    Thank You Very MUCH - Kaiser Cheifs
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    Word Association Thread

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    Minimins Daily Quiz!!

    9/10, im ok with that
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    Lie to me is coming back!!

    Love this!!!, there is so something about cal that gets me. I remember a friend lent me the first series on dvd, he thought i would like it, and in the very first episode when they did the first slow mo bit showing the micro expressions, i rewound the dvd and put on slow to see if he'd done it...
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    What is the worst film you've ever seen?

    Human centepide, people on another forum i used kept going on how bad it was so i watched it, really wish i hadn't
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    Any Losties out there?(Fans of Lost?)

    Loved the first few seasons, felt it lost it a bit on towards the end, should have finished it earlier felt like they were dragging it out a bit. Shame flash forward was cancelled, would have been interesting to see it there was a lost link like they seemed to imply or wether it was just clever...
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    Who's Got Concert Tickets?

    Take that on Saturday, can't wait!, then glee and bon jovi in two weeks
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Weighed myself again today lost 2 pounds , I know I should have waited till next week but I have a big weekend coming up, hoping that seeing I've lost a bit will help motivate me to be good
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Weighed myself today , 13 7 not great bur hopefully they'll start to go down
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Salad and a small quiche for tea , had a packet of cheese curls too, 98 calories so not too bad too away my craving and that's the last packet in the house so hopefully I can avoid them in the supermarket this week
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Dinner was fine drinks machine not so successful had three drinks from it, chippy tomorrow with the work girlies not sure what I can have from there think it going to be a soup for dinner and save some calories for tea
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Dinner all made no change for drinks machine all set for today
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    Thanks I've never heard of cinnamon but that sounds ideal, I'll take a look at that
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    hi everyone

    Thanks guys I'm hoping this forum will make the difference for me this time, some of the stories on here are great, hope they will help me realise I can do this
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    Hi Not sure if this is the right place to post this, I'd like to start doing a bit more excercise but Ive always found it hard to get motivated . The plan was to start going for a walk every night after work and gradually build up to running but after a full day at work I'm finding it difficult...
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    16 weeks till the ball

    Got the alarm set early tomorrow to make sure I have time to make my dinner. My aim for tomorrow is to avoid the drinks machine hopefully saving me money and calories. Going to weigh myself on the good scales at work tomorrow ,
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    16 weeks till the ball

    So there are 16 weeks left till the ball when I want to wear my gorge red dress. I've just been looking back at some old photos of myself can't believe I was so skinny and and let myself put on so much weight. It looks like it's going to be a nice day today , I'd love to be outside wearing some...
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    Before and Current

    wow thats an amazing transformation well done
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    hi everyone

    Hi everyone, I joined this forum years ago but never really did much, i recently decided it was time to get serious with my weight loss so here i am back again. I almost cried why i logged back in and saw what my previous stats were. Anyway i have a works ball to go to in september and...
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    What was your turning point?

    I think my turning point was realising how much harder it is for me to lose weight as i get older, it used to be that if i was feeling a bit fat i ould just cut out a few things for a few weeks and the weight would no just drop off, sadly that no longer works and i've realised that if i want to...
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    I dread weekends!!!

    I dread weekend too, its just so much easier to nip out and eat what i know i shouldn't be eating, i guess at least when i'm at work during the week i don't have that same freedom. Maybe i should start doing overtime at the weekend??
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    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone I thought i'd better give a quick intro. I've been unhappy with my weight for about three years now but never really did much about it, now i've got to a point where i want to get serious. I've been kinda following a diet for the past few months and so far i've lost 8 pounds, but...