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  1. PKJellyBean

    Extra Easy Does anybody else feel like this??

    Yep, I feel the same. I'm a Slimming World DIYer, and I've only been on it for a week. I can't quite believe the amount I can eat. After years of successful/unsuccessful dieting and living off thin air, I'm shocked that I can eat pasta, bread, potatoes, rice... I can actually sit down to meal...
  2. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    I don't want to teach granny how to suck eggs, but are you sure you have the nunchuk pointing the right way on the leg strap? When you're using the resistance band, are you pointing the controller as instructed? Some of them you need to point the controller and nunchuk at the floor before you...
  3. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    Not much help, but yep, you'll need quite a bit of room for the lunges and eye-level room for boxing and basketball.
  4. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    I've done another three or four days worth of exercises. I'm quite a bit behind their schedule, but getting there! It's definitely doing some good!
  5. PKJellyBean

    Wii fit

    Absolutely ideal if you don't have the time to get out to the gym etc. I only have something like half-hour time slots to fit in exercise, so there's no way I could go to a class or anything! I don't know what console packages are out there, but the Wii Fit comes as a package (with board) and...
  6. PKJellyBean

    Chocolate and easter - copable?

    I'll still be eating chocolate, if I want it. The only thing I don't have is fizzy drinks. Everything else I have in moderation :D
  7. PKJellyBean

    Lowering Goal

    I think you should stick where you're at. I'm the same height and a healthy weight for that height would be around 9st 7lb. I can't remember the BMI, but it's whatever is on my profile (around 21, I think). Your BMI is a little on the low side, I really don't think you should go any lower.
  8. PKJellyBean

    Wii Fit Age

    I'm 37 and my Wii Fit age usually hovers around the 32 mark. But if I don't use it for a while then it's prone to hit the forties!
  9. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    Day 2 for me. EA says day 4 as I can't follow their timetable, but it doesn't look like it's missing out any of the exercises. It does make me look like a lazy s*d when it says I've had two rest days on the trot, though! :D This one really hurt! Well, most of it was okay, but the...
  10. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    Got the game, finally! Day 1 - 16 exercises in just under 25 mins and I burned 155.6 cals. Go me! lol Does anyone know, if you miss a day do you still start from where you left off? I won't be able to follow their pattern, so I hope this is the case! I had a few problems with it not...
  11. PKJellyBean

    EA sports Active 30 day challenge sign up. Starting 15th March

    I'd like to join, if I can get the game in time! Could you put me down for a 'possible', please :D Good luck to everyone - BURN THAT FAT! :character00115:
  12. PKJellyBean

    HI all

    Hi I don't know about kick-starting ketosis, so not much help there. But I'm not following any particular diet either, just cutting my carbs but without going in to ketosis and it's working fine for me. Good luck!
  13. PKJellyBean

    Best method for firming inner thigh muscles & upper arms.

    Yes, definitely take it easy to begin with. Hope you get results!
  14. PKJellyBean

    The Time Traveler's Wife

    And probably because I haven't read the books, the little bits I've seen of the films looked okay! :giggle:
  15. PKJellyBean

    The Time Traveler's Wife

    I tried to listen to the book, but couldn't get on with it. I think it was because it's quite a confusing story. I hadn't heard anything about the film before I watched it, so I had high expectations. Though the film is very good as a standalone.
  16. PKJellyBean

    The Time Traveler's Wife

    No, I haven't seen My Sister's Keeper, but I haven't read the book either, so I'd probably be quite safe with that one lol. Hollywood endings :rolleyes: :D
  17. PKJellyBean

    Favourite films?

    My absolute fave is 12 Angry Men (1957) - not least for the superbly simple final scene when they all leave the court room. But I love love love Indiscreet, A Beautiful Mind, North by Northwest, The Tenant, Almost Famous, The Bishop's Wife, It's a Wonderful Life, Rosemary's Baby, The Great...
  18. PKJellyBean

    Wii Fit & EA Sports Active anyone??

    Hi I'm using the Wii Fit, about 30 mins at least two days a week and it has definitely toned me. I never thought to measure myself before I started, but I'm certain I've lost a few inches because of it. My favourites have to be the Island Jogging and the Boxing - I've reduced my four knees...
  19. PKJellyBean

    Best method for firming inner thigh muscles & upper arms.

    Hi I will do my best to explain an inner thigh toning exercise... bear with me! :D Lay on your right side and cross your left leg over your right (your left leg should be bent at the knee and your left foot flat on the floor, so your knee is pointing roughly upwards). Hold your left foot if...
  20. PKJellyBean

    Any tips to stop night time binging?

    Definitely find a hobby or something, like others have said. Or brush your teeth when you feel hungry.
  21. PKJellyBean

    Weigh Day!

    Tuesday, late afternoon. I chose that day because it's one of the few days I get a bit of time to myself :D
  22. PKJellyBean

    The Time Traveler's Wife

    Anyone read the book then watch the film? I watched the film the other night and have to say I was quite disappointed. I don't want to say too much in case there are some people who are planning to watch it. But I will say that some parts veered wildly off the book - one quite important...
  23. PKJellyBean

    Cooking - Is it a dying art?

    Totally with you on this! I'm more than happy just having a normal sized slice as opposed to wolfing the whole thing! It's definitely more the baking and appreciative noises from my family for me. I have also come to realise that I had huge portions and that was probably what was going wrong...
  24. PKJellyBean

    Maintaining Strength while losing weight

    I would have said it's not enough carbs. Especially if it's weight lifting. Glycogen supplies energy to your muscles and glycogen comes from glucose which in turn comes from eating carbs. I can't suggest anything as I don't weightlift. I can only tell you what I do before I exercise (an...
  25. PKJellyBean

    Cooking - Is it a dying art?

    I love cooking! But I don't cook from scratch every day as it would be impossible on the days I work and we'd be having tea at midnight! My son does have fish fingers (and chicken nuggets) and I rarely feel guilty about it. He gets a good diet at nursery and when I cook he gets a decent meal...
  26. PKJellyBean


    Hi Many thanks for that advice. I take a vitamin and mineral supplement and fish oil. I feel better on this diet than I have ever done on anything else. I tried Atkins many years ago and got terribly ill on it. On this one, even though I have cut my carb intake and it is definitely...
  27. PKJellyBean

    Been thinking..Are we craving more sweet food...

    As far as the weight thing goes, I do think it's a lot to do with things like rationing, as someone else said. Also, consider all the labour-saving devices we have nowadays. When I was a kid, my mum washed our clothes in a twin tub, which was a lot more labour-intensive than a modern washing...
  28. PKJellyBean

    Yoga and will power?

    ... and of course (I don't mean this flippantly, either), while you're occupied, you're not raiding the fridge etc. I haven't done much yoga, but I do meditate. Thinking about it now, it wouldn't take much to adapt it to a form of self-hypnosis, but certainly a few words of re-affirmation...
  29. PKJellyBean

    hiya im new been on atkins for months

    I've got around the same to lose. I only joined today, but I believe there is a recipe forum on here which might help. Loads more luck for you! :D
  30. PKJellyBean

    Room for one more? :)

    Hi there Don't beat yourself up, just start afresh the next day. It's nice to have a little treat every now and again. If I thought I could never have a treat ever again, then I would just simply give up dieting. So, I always keep in my mind that I can have a treat, if I really want one...
  31. PKJellyBean

    and another "HI, I EXIST!" thread

    Good luck, Graham!
  32. PKJellyBean

    hiya im new been on atkins for months

    Hi CJ Just wanted to wish you good luck!
  33. PKJellyBean

    Exercises videos that I can do at home

    Like a few others have suggested, I would definitely recommend a Wii Fit. I can't get on with fitness DVDs as I have a very low boredom threshold and can't stomach doing the same routines over and over. With the Wii Fit (and all the other fitness things for the Wii) at least you can vary the...
  34. PKJellyBean

    Hi, I'm new

    Hi Pinky I've been breastfeeding for around two years and seven months, just mornings and evenings. We'll be winding it down once he turns three, though, as it's getting to the stage where I think it's more habit for him than anything else. I think I probably counteracted the...
  35. PKJellyBean


    Just saying hello. I've been on a low carb (non specific) diet since the beginning of January and so far I've lost 16lb. I've no idea if what I'm doing makes sense, but my diet consists of eating the bulk of my carbs early in the day. I tend to try and avoid things like potatoes, pasta etc...
  36. PKJellyBean

    Hi, I'm new

    Good luck! The breastfeeding will help burn those calories! I am doing extended breastfeeding, so I understand you need that little bit extra also.
  37. PKJellyBean

    Hi everyone!

    I'm sorry, I don't know about the pepper and soup. Just wanted to wish you good luck. I have a two-year-old and took the eating for two literally during my pregnancy :o. Now I'm trying to shift it!
  38. PKJellyBean

    Another introduction!

    Ooo sounds very painful! I hope you're off the crutches soon. Good luck with your diet!
  39. PKJellyBean

    Ey up

    Hi and lots of good luck to you John!
  40. PKJellyBean

    Hello everyone

    Wishing you every success! I know only too well what it's like to struggle with sticking at it. I have a few failed diets behind me, but I'm going to do it this time. :party0019: (I looked for a cheerleader - this is nearest I could find... or this *\o/*) :D Good luck - you can do it!
  41. PKJellyBean

    Hello - New to Minimins and Slimming World!

    Just saying Hi and good luck!
  42. PKJellyBean

    low carb newbie saying hi!

    Hi I'm on a low carb, too. Just wanted to wish you good luck!
  43. PKJellyBean

    Brand New and Saying Hello!

    Hi everyone My name is Jules, I'm 37 and I live in Newcastle with my partner and two-year-old son. I'm on a low carb diet and I started it 3rd January. I've lost 16lb so far, but have loads more to lose! I'm looking for a bit of inspiration as I'm getting bored with the diet side (though the...