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  1. Batman

    Found some info and a 21 day menu plan for low GI/Gl

    Just been advised by Dr to consider a lower GI diet to lose weight while TTC. This has been a GREAT help, thanks!!
  2. Batman

    Casserole type dinner for 6 of us?

    Thanks for that - will try it another night. Ended up making a lasagne with LOADS of salad!!
  3. Batman


    Dont worry about the sweaty men - the people I cant stand in my gym are the super fit, skinny women with a full face of make up and perfect hair! But they also motivate me just a little bit too! :-)
  4. Batman

    GAH! Damn doritos! Help stop me!

    Have tried that trick - buying the multi-pack of doritos, then I somehow eat them all in one sitting anyway! Yes pringles are just as bad!
  5. Batman

    GAH! Damn doritos! Help stop me!

    they are my faves! Ive found I do ok when I have an alternative in the fridge, like olives, cheese, salami etc and you are right - just stop buying them!!!! Lets see how I go this week... "My name is Cat and Im a Dorito-holic!" :-)
  6. Batman

    Advice please!

    Good for you, well done! :-)
  7. Batman

    NEW: Easter Challenge

    Yay down 1.2 kilo's (that's over 2.5 pounds) and I was sick! Oh and Im going to track my weight in kilo's only as there's too much converting to do for this Aussie! Have to keep this up :-) Monday WI (12 left) Emmaholl: 20lbs (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go) [need 1.67lbs a week] VeggieAnna: 13lbs...
  8. Batman

    NEW: Easter Challenge

    Been sick the last week and back on form now, so sorry that I havent posted any weight loss - but its thursday today and Im off to the gym for a swim now and will WI there. Question: Do I copy and paste everyones current details plus my own on my reply once I want to report back? :-)
  9. Batman

    Casserole type dinner for 6 of us?

    Hiya, Yes that sounds worth a look? Is it tasty? Can you please send it to me? Thanks so much! :)
  10. Batman

    GAH! Damn doritos! Help stop me!

    Hiya, Yes I've tried the alternatives, but I keep going back to them! I need to consciously NOT go near them any-more! And Jim I find that if I let myself do it one night, then I seem to do it the next day as well! Once I start buying/eating them I convince myself that its OK! They are ADDICTIVE...
  11. Batman

    Advice please!

    Dont forget to choose a low-cholestorol spread from now on - there are loads out there that are supposedly heart smart...keep the yolk of the egg its the nicest bit and switch your spread!! :-)
  12. Batman

    butternut squash recipes

    Am IN LOVE with this recipe and have made it at least 4 times in 6 weeks - Its filling (coz of the squash) but so delicious... have a go! Make room for squash - The Irish Times - Sat, Nov 26, 2011
  13. Batman

    Casserole type dinner for 6 of us?

    Im having the girls around for a dinner party friday night and am seeking ideas for what to cook. Would love to use my new Le Creuset casserole dish as its nice and big enough to cook in for 6 of us. After something fancy-ish but not too crazy points wise! Taste is important! All ideas very...
  14. Batman

    Cheese for my bagel

    Love Philly on a bagel! Its also delicious if you put some sliced tomato on as well with a little S'n'P :-)
  15. Batman

    GAH! Damn doritos! Help stop me!

    Cant seem to resist them and when I open the bag, the WHOLE lot of them get scoffed! I start every day with the resolve to NOT get any and yet somehow they end up here! And im:mad: not talking a little bag, im talking the big bags! Its my ONLY weakness , im pretty good most other ways, but at a...
  16. Batman

    starting again

    Good luck!
  17. Batman

    Advice please!

    Well done on your focus! Sounds like you are doing this the healthy way so far, just be sure to mix it up regularly as you WILL eventually get bored, and when we are bored we tend to get back to bad habits! Good job on the gym too - Ive just re-joined mine and am enjoying it so far! :-)
  18. Batman

    Make Up advice for Novice

    A good idea would be to get a good skin care regime in place first - that can be just washing and moisturising gently every night. Then, perhaps go to a make-up counter (Bobby Brown if you have a bit to spend, Benefit if you dont!) if you have one near you somewhere and ask them for...
  19. Batman

    Water,Water, Water!!!

    Going to grab a glass now - thanks for the reminder! Oh and I like mine with a drop of ribena to mix it up! :-)
  20. Batman


    Good on you for keeping with the C5K!! I tried to view the dress but the link was too long and only took me to the home page! This is my first week back in "fit" mode as i was sick last week. So far: Monday: 20 minute walk and 15 minutes hand weights at home with hubby Tuesday: 1.5 hours at gym...
  21. Batman

    Success without meetings???

    I am doing it at home this year too, as the only reason i went last year (again) was because the meet was so close to my house, but I didn't do any better or worse than doing it at home! So am saving the € and re-joined gym instead and using this forum! We can help each other! :-)
  22. Batman


    This week's PLAN! I have a very busy week ahead and I hope to squeeze the following in! My week's plan: Monday: 20 minutes walk locally Tuesday: 30 minute Bodyline class at gym Wednesday: 20 minute walk locally Thursday: 20 minutes treadmill @ gym (maybe a swim after) Friday: 20...
  23. Batman


    Hiya, First off well done on your effort to get back to the gym. I am exactly the same have got VERY slack - think I used my membership twice a month on average last year! :-( I will say though that the fastest way to give up on it is by expecting too much of yourself!! 40 mins a day 5...
  24. Batman

    NEW: Easter Challenge

    Hiya, Looks like there are a lot of us bridesmaids to be on here! Yes Carly I have the dress, my sister gave it to me when in Oz last, but its a size too big so I need to get it altered anyway, but am putting that off till Ive dropped a little bit of weight! The wedding is in Oz too so will...
  25. Batman

    NEW: Easter Challenge

    Hi all, Im Cat and am an Aussie living in Ireland. Im 36 and know its time to shift some of the excess that has packed on since being happily married the last 2 years! My reasons for losing the weight... 1) Trying to conceive our first baby! 2) Am a bridesmaid at end of February 3) Know I am...
  26. Batman

    NEW: Easter Challenge

    Hi Carly & everyone, I would LOVE to join this challenge! Was doing WW at meetings last year but am going back to doing at home this year. Hoping to lose a kilo a week so I guess that's just over 2 pounds? (Im Aussie, I use kilos!) Can I please join? I will set my own WI day as a Thursday as...