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  1. Crystal89

    Strepsils, How many points are in them?

    Hmm, I do see your point I suppose, we all have to do what we think is right. It just never occurred to me that those kind of things would even contain calories?! I just equated them with paracetamol or suchlike, i.e. medicine and nothing to do with the diet. I dunno, I have quite an obsessive...
  2. Crystal89

    Strepsils, How many points are in them?

    Are we supposed to point Strepsils?! I think it's taking it a bit far to count medicines tbh, I mean it's not like you're gorging on them for fun is it? Better off having a few Strepsils imo than comfort eating to make yourself feel better...
  3. Crystal89

    Ruthie's Weight Loss Journey - 3lb away from next stone bracket!

    I do enjoy it a lot yeah, modern history anyway, last year was a bit so so for me because we had this compulsory early modern course that lasted all year which bored me to tears! But I've picked all my options for myself this year so I'm really looking forward to it. Criminology sounds really...
  4. Crystal89

    Ruthie's Weight Loss Journey - 3lb away from next stone bracket!

    Sadly I didn't have the pleasure of seeing the canteen, my friend's room was enough for me! She couldn't even open her window all the way because apparently there were loads of suicides!? When I got there she was showing me her room and it was just like 'that's broken...that works...
  5. Crystal89


    You're allowed plain or dark rye Ryvitas as crispbreads on Core. Or Finn Crisps I think. Crackerbread is not technically allowed but it's about the same calories so it depends how big you are on following the rules I guess!
  6. Crystal89

    Ruthie's Weight Loss Journey - 3lb away from next stone bracket!

    Ooh I have a friend at Coventry Uni! She was in Priory Halls- the massive tower block, she was the only one who had worse looking halls than mine! I know what you mean about being nervous about going back, on one hand I cannot WAIT but on the other hand I'm worried that my healthy eating habits...
  7. Crystal89

    FeAtHeRs - has made her decision!!

    Aww, try not to worry about the birthday blowout. I'm a firm believer in having a day off from the diet on your birthday! I certainly did anyway... I could never do CD, like my food too much and I think it restricts you socially too. Of course it's effective for people but it seems all the...
  8. Crystal89

    last bit is the hardest

    Yeah I definitely know what you mean, this last stone is being a right pain to get off! I've had so many weeks of STS or losing 0.5lbs when I've been good, so frustrating! But every 0.5lb gets me closer I suppose... Good luck with your WI, you will get there in the end! x
  9. Crystal89

    cathy's starting to TRY maintain...oh crap lol

    I love WKDs, I must be the only person I know who can actually get drunk on alcopops though, constant source of amusement among my friends :rolleyes: VKs are only 2.5 points for most of them so I have those if I need my alcopop fix.
  10. Crystal89

    Ruthie's Weight Loss Journey - 3lb away from next stone bracket!

    Pink 'n' Whites! I love them and also the big caramel Snack a Jacks are only 0.5 points too. Of course apples are 0.5 as well but meh...sometimes I'm just not virtuous enough!
  11. Crystal89

    What alcohol............

    Vodka and Diet Coke is one of those things that works out really well according to e-source, you'd think if you had 4 vodkas then it'd be 4 points but it's actually 3 :D. So you get more alcohol for your points! 6 shots = 5 points 8 shots= 6.5 points 10 shots= 8 points Just make sure they're...
  12. Crystal89

    quietly sneaks back in and hopes no-one will noice...

    You can get the massive packs of Pink n Whites in the 99p store if there's one near you. My Mum won't hear of going in places like that but I, the ever eager to bag a bargain student, was delighted to find them in one of my favourite haunts!
  13. Crystal89

    Hello! I am new!

    Uni will sabotage any healthy eating habits, won't it? I swear my first term consisted of me eating junk food morning noon and night and then washing it down with a bottle (or five!) of wine! Don't think I bought any fruit or veg in ten weeks :ashamed0005:. Sometimes I'm surprised it's not...
  14. Crystal89

    mantainance question

    I think it's 6 points extra a day but I've read somewhere that you shouldn't add them on all on at once. You add 2 on each week and see if you're still losing weight, then 2 more and so on till you find what works for you. Maintenance is worrying me more right now than the actual losing...
  15. Crystal89

    What choccies could I have fo 2 points???

    Is that a big Crunchie bar?! :eek: Omg, please please tell me it is!
  16. Crystal89

    Ariana's diary- another 3lbs gone

    Good luck- A positive attitude like yours will take you miles with WW and I have no doubt that you will succeed :D
  17. Crystal89

    Crystal89's diary- Getting that last stone off!

    Trust me, I'm not putting anyone to shame, it's probably easier for me because when I was at uni I was only buying for myself and I just would not let myself buy bad things. There were days when I had the biggest cravings for things like sausage rolls and the like and I know that if they had...
  18. Crystal89

    Crystal89's diary- Getting that last stone off!

    LOL at the cattle prod idea! I can just imagine taking that into a club with me, think everyone would give me a wide berth on the dancefloor!
  19. Crystal89

    LucyLous diary - soup??

    I pretty much have to make my Mum lock away my scales during the week or I'm on and off them every day! Evil contraptions they are... Good luck for your stone, I'll cross my fingers x
  20. Crystal89

    Crystal89's diary- Getting that last stone off!

    Thanks everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you all. Have just weighed in and have lost 2lb this week which I am very happy with :D Off to have my Weetabix now! Really need to start getting up earlier though, guess I'm still operating on student time...
  21. Crystal89

    what made u choose weight watchers.

    Just to let everyone know if you go on the WW website and click 'shop' you can order anything you can buy in meetings over the phone including the Points calculators :) That's where I got mine from anyway. They do charge £3.50 delivery charge though so I guess if you want some other things it's...
  22. Crystal89

    Crystal89's diary- Getting that last stone off!

    Thankyou :D I really feel that (and not meaning to be too corny lol) WW has changed my life so much for the better! Congratulations to you too, I've read some of your diary and it's totally inspiring. When I'm having a weak moment I come on here and read it!
  23. Crystal89

    Crystal89's diary- Getting that last stone off!

    Hi everyone! So a little bit about me- I'm Fionnuala aka Fin aka Crystal89 and I'm a professional slacker....sorry history student :rolleyes:. I'm 19 and just finished my first year. I've been lurking round these forums for a while now and have finally decided to bite the bullet and join in...