Ruthie's Weight Loss Journey - 3lb away from next stone bracket!

Well done :D
Hello all! I haven't been around because of the stress of the wedding and now my nephew and brother and sister-in-law are here to visit so it's been really nice! Am determined this week. The wedding day was difficult, all in all it was not overly bad. I have also had a few workouts with my nephew. He loves being lifted in the air so my arms are getting more and more toned LOL!!! He's gorgeous though. Makes me so happy!

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Aaah he is sooo cute! I spent most of the bank holiday weekend with my little cousin who is 19 months old so by rights, i should have tiny, toned arms!!!! :p;)xx
Hello! Sorry that I haven't been on here very much! Have been busy, but a good busy! Yesterday my friend from Coventry came down to London and seriously I've never had so much fun! And she's awesome, I mean, she understands weight issues and really is supportive and so it meant that I had a good day despite worries of where we would eat etc! :D Just been to ww and lost 1lb this week, which is so fantastic because I have had a lot of issues this week, wedding, friend here and brother and wife being at home meant there were lots of difficult choices. I feel very accomplished! It's going down, and I couldn't ask for anything more! I'm going to have to catch up on this threads now! :D

P.s some pics of me and my mate yesterday...hehe! Best day ever!! :):)

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Hey there! How is everyone? I haven't been able to spend as much time on here, now I'm not at work I am not sitting at the comp all the time. :sigh: I'm not very well at the moment. Got a really sore throat and headache that sort of just makes you feel like doing anything is a challenge. Did not sleep well last night at all. Am hoping that I will feel better tomorrow. Weight wise, I am sticking to my points. I had 4 point minstrels today, they were very very nice. hehe! I'm the lowest weight I've been in years. I can't get over it. I am so determined, nothing is going to stop me now! hehe! I am preparing for time-of-the-month-disruption in the next couple of weeks, but hey, I am still seeing the results eventually! It's 3 weeks till I go back to Uni, now THAT will be the challenge!!
Hello everyone.

I'm really not sure if I will lose weight this week. Have had a tricky week with not feeling well. Went out yesterday to shop and my mum and I love the morrisons cafe. Of course, I had to make right choices. The flying start is 13 points so had that. Really lovely and filling. I didn't have much else the rest of the day, and I know it was all within my points but part of me still worries that it was too much etc. I am being extra good today. Just eating weightwatchers stuff so I can be sure. Has anyone else had those little pizzas weight watchers do? Very expensive but really yummy. 3 1/2 points. I am very chuffed with that, although won't be able to afford them too often. Anyone found then any cheaper that $1.89 (on a laptop from america haha so no pound signs) in sainsburys? Anyway, so tomorrow is the big day. I have 3 more W.I in London before I go back to uni and I would love to be nearer the stone mark by then. A nice boost for the beginning of my year!
Hello everyone.

I'm really not sure if I will lose weight this week. Have had a tricky week with not feeling well. Went out yesterday to shop and my mum and I love the morrisons cafe. Of course, I had to make right choices. The flying start is 13 points so had that. Really lovely and filling. I didn't have much else the rest of the day, and I know it was all within my points but part of me still worries that it was too much etc. I am being extra good today. Just eating weightwatchers stuff so I can be sure. Has anyone else had those little pizzas weight watchers do? Very expensive but really yummy. 3 1/2 points. I am very chuffed with that, although won't be able to afford them too often. Anyone found then any cheaper that $1.89 (on a laptop from america haha so no pound signs) in sainsburys? Anyway, so tomorrow is the big day. I have 3 more W.I in London before I go back to uni and I would love to be nearer the stone mark by then. A nice boost for the beginning of my year!

Hi Chick, was wondering where you had gotten to! Am sure you will have lost weight! Will have fingers crossed for you aswell! Oooh i havent tried those WW pizzas yet but saw a voucher for them in my voucher pack from last week so will try them x
I've had a ham and pineapple oval pizza and it was lovely

You look as though you had a great time with your friend and congratulations on the weight

Irene xx
I'm sure you'll be fine hon. Hope you are feeling better now.

It's hard not to feel guilty about eating, isn't it? We've had a few threads on here with people feeling bad about snacking - well if you snack within your points then that's absolutely fine. It sounds like you ate something that was within your points but that 'felt' naughty. The time to worry is when you spend 13 points on something when you didn't have 13 points to spend :)

Are you looking forward to being at uni? Which one are you at?
I'm sure you'll be fine hon. Hope you are feeling better now.

It's hard not to feel guilty about eating, isn't it? We've had a few threads on here with people feeling bad about snacking - well if you snack within your points then that's absolutely fine. It sounds like you ate something that was within your points but that 'felt' naughty. The time to worry is when you spend 13 points on something when you didn't have 13 points to spend :)

Are you looking forward to being at uni? Which one are you at?

Yes, that's exactly right. It just felt like I was being really bad and now that weight loss isn't clear on the scales (yes I weigh myself way too much) I blame it. I don't take scales as fact, I know how damaging it can be and how much you fluctuate, but I do like some sort of 'guidance'. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. At the moment I have 12 1/2 points left. I am really going to struggle to eat them. I got up late today so that's why it is difficult.

Sorry ramble!

I am at Coventry University, makes a change from London hehe. I AM looking forward to it, but I know it is going to be a challenge. Both food wise and general wise. Firstly, as I am doing an extra year most of my friends have left although thankfully I do have some good ones still there, and also struggled a lot with depression/self esteem and things are just turning around so this is the real test. Living by myself in my own flat, I can't wait, but it's going to take every ounce of positivity I can find!!!
I've had a ham and pineapple oval pizza and it was lovely

You look as though you had a great time with your friend and congratulations on the weight

Irene xx

Thank you! :D I've only had the chicken one, is very nice. I also thought the vegetarian one looked quite nice. I hope they are reduced in price.
Hi Chick, was wondering where you had gotten to! Am sure you will have lost weight! Will have fingers crossed for you aswell! Oooh i havent tried those WW pizzas yet but saw a voucher for them in my voucher pack from last week so will try them x

Oh you definitely must! :D Yeah, I haven't been around much. Just been out and about and then not being well I didn't feel like sitting at the comp much. It's good to catch up. Writing on here has lifted my spirits.
I am at Coventry University, makes a change from London hehe. I AM looking forward to it, but I know it is going to be a challenge. Both food wise and general wise. Firstly, as I am doing an extra year most of my friends have left although thankfully I do have some good ones still there, and also struggled a lot with depression/self esteem and things are just turning around so this is the real test. Living by myself in my own flat, I can't wait, but it's going to take every ounce of positivity I can find!!!

Ooh I have a friend at Coventry Uni! She was in Priory Halls- the massive tower block, she was the only one who had worse looking halls than mine! I know what you mean about being nervous about going back, on one hand I cannot WAIT but on the other hand I'm worried that my healthy eating habits will go out the window like they did at the beginning of last year...Still, we have to trust ourselves I suppose. And I do love being at uni so much I don't want to let worrying about food ruin that.

I'm at Sussex by the way, going into second year :D
Ooh I have a friend at Coventry Uni! She was in Priory Halls- the massive tower block, she was the only one who had worse looking halls than mine! I know what you mean about being nervous about going back, on one hand I cannot WAIT but on the other hand I'm worried that my healthy eating habits will go out the window like they did at the beginning of last year...Still, we have to trust ourselves I suppose. And I do love being at uni so much I don't want to let worrying about food ruin that.

I'm at Sussex by the way, going into second year :D

OMG I lived in priory, in my first year (now in my 4th lol). OH it was awful wasn't it! did you ever see the canteen?? Fried breakfast every morning and yes I know I should have said no but it was my first year away from home, i was in heaven. It was VERY hard to keep weight down when your food was given to you! And you pay for it in your rent so you never wanted to 'skip it'. What are you studying? Are you in halls or a house? I have my own lil' studio flat (within halls) and i am so determined! I've bought the cutest pasta plate from debenhams which is my portion plate. It's the perfect size for what i'd need instead of these huge plates they sell you're, well, likely to fill!!
Oh you definitely must! :D Yeah, I haven't been around much. Just been out and about and then not being well I didn't feel like sitting at the comp much. It's good to catch up. Writing on here has lifted my spirits.

Are you feeling better now hun?