1 extra pack?

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a good day :)

Quick question, i have been to the gym today and have burned, according to my heart rate monitor, 450 calories. I AM STARVING and water isn't doing the trick (had 1.5L). I was thinking about having an extra pack as sometimes when i feel like this i have a tendency to go for carbs and more carbs. Has anyone else had 1 extra pack on a day and noticed a difference? Will it set me back a great deal? So far I'm just staying away from the kitchen and trying to distract myself. Will try and stick to the 4 packs. x x
How about a hot drink? I find at helps. Perhaps a savoury broth if yu have any? Fools my body into thinking it has had a soup!
Our counsellor has always said that if you exercise hard and it makes you really hungry it is always better to have an extra pack than to eat anything else. But it is a last resort.

The problem with exercise is that it is hard to avoid the hunger and it is something you need to balance with the weight loss. Cutting back on exercise so you work a little less hard might be a good idea.

You may find that simply having your normal lunchtime pack or even bringing your teatime pack forward might be enough to keep hunger away. it is only lunch time now so I doubt you have already eaten them all. if you find you can't cope this evening then decide then what you want to do.

But consider the following before you tuck in - how long have you been on the plan. Are you used to the hunger yet, has ketosis kicked in? this might just be normal.

Also remember that hunger isn't the end of the world. You won't die of hunger for a few hours. The need to feed hunger constantly is what got us all where we are now. learning to accept hunger as a normal part of our day is part of learning to accept being slimmer. Hunger can be a good thing - it makes you appreciate your food more when you have it, it stimulates your appetite. Think of this as a chance to reflect on what hunger feels like to you - in your mind and in your body. Try not to give in to hunger - because it is what you have always done.

Essentially i am saying that sometimes a little bit of strength is character building and you will wake up tomorrow glad that you stuck it out. Plus a little wiser about what your body can handle in terms of exercise.
Nzmegs, thank you so much for your insight and words of encouragement. I will stick to my 4 packs and acknowledge that the journey I am on is much better then the one I was previously.

Hunger is a lot easier to deal with than the self hatred and guilt that comes afterwards.

Thanks again :) x x x