10 tips for emotional overeating!

this really helps! i didn't realise writing a food thought down would make it go away until i actually really thought about it - i wrote down what i ate during the day yesterday for my sw diary, damn right i forgot about it because it was done and out of the way.. thank you! xxx
Thank you for these tips, they all make sense. Its the putting them to practice which is hard but I can only try! [hard :D]
Thanks for posting this.

I especially like number five.
It's sometimes amazing that I realise whilst in a binge that I'm doing because of this or that but I still can't stop. I've realised that I need to keep focussed on the important things that stress me out the most. I worry a lot about not being able to support my family but instead of doing proactive I just all I can. it's like eating until I'm full up is an achievement I can achieve.

Thanks Ed​
Those are great, Im gonna print them out somehow (dont have printer lol, will haev to use at work) and stick it in my kitchen, such good points, sticking to it will be hard though but what she has written is sooooo true!
great post.so much of it is so true,but i dont do!though i have noticed over the years that i always manage to find 'feeder friends' who are quite happy to sit and stuff in as much as me,whilst still staying slim.and my last fella was sooo bad with chocolate and crisps and junk in the evenings(but stayed at 9 1/2stone),that he was definately instrumental in me falling off my wagon of the time.now he's gone and i'm three stone heavier!!
not for much longer though:D
Great tips! Thanks for posting. I've only recently accepted that I'm an emotional eater but I do so many of the habits on this list. I will definitely keep these in mind.
excellent post!
This is so true!! Wanted to bump this to the top so others might see it x
Oh I love all of these, I know they might not all be easy (some are just common sense that I need to remember) but I think they're good things to focus on and remember when times are trying. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to post these in my blog for me to remember. :)
Thank you for that list, there are things on it I can take on board definitely, especially about the small goals.
Thank you for posting :)
Great post - will print this out and stick it on my fridge!
Great tips. My two tips are to be honest with yourself and only eat if you are truly hungry.

I used to buy 3 bars of chocolate at the corner shop, because they were a good deal - 3 for £1. Each time I promised myself I would only eat one. Within an hour, I had eaten all three.

I have decided to be honest with myself. When I buy 3 bars of chocolate, I know I will eat them all. Instead I only buy 1.

True hunger will be satisfied with really boring foods - an apple or bowl of soup. If you crave cheesecake, then you are probably eating for emotional reasons, instead of hunger...
Good choice with the chocolate, small steps. I would usually end up doing something similar. The way I try to look at it now is that if they're 40p each or 3 for £1, then by buying three I'm not saving any money, I'm actually wasting 60p.
I especially like number 8. Whenever I start eating junk food in private, it usually leads to a major binge and the end of my dieting! All great ideas, thanks for posting! :)
Many thanks, shall print this out and put in the kitchen. I am guilty of no 8 and I get so annoyed with myself once I have sneaked another biscuit or packet of crisps as I am not hungry. Why do I do it? :cry: