100 miles walking challenge!

1stTrefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
2nd: hollyjayneratcliffe - 34.68 miles (66.32 miles to go)
3rd: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
4th:Susie25 - 23.6 miles (76.4 miles to go)
5th: Leanne641 - 22.33 miles (77.67 miles to go)
6th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 23.31miles (76.69miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
Adding 5.3 miles for the weekend

1st: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
2nd: hollyjayneratcliffe - 34.68 miles (66.32 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 28.9 miles (71.1 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
5th: Leanne641 - 22.33 miles (77.67 miles to go)
6th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 23.31miles (76.69miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
Updated for 0.7 miles this morning and 4.6 miles tonight x

1st: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
2nd: Susie25 - 34.2 miles (65.8 miles to go)
3rd: hollyjayneratcliffe - 34.68 miles (66.32 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
5th: Leanne641 - 22.33 miles (77.67 miles to go)
6th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 23.31miles (76.69miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
1st: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
2nd: hollyjayneratcliffe - 47.11 miles (52.89 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 34.2 miles (65.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
5th: Leanne641 - 23.33 miles (76.67 miles to go)
6th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 23.31miles (76.69miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)

updated holly and just 1 miles for me. on a go slow at the moment x
Another 12.43 for me for the past 2 days. Can someone update both for me x
Updated your's Holly! Great work :)
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 59.54 miles (40.46 miles to go)
2nd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 34.2 miles (65.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
5th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 23.33 miles (76.67 miles to go)
7th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
Thanks aiming to do a 10k run every day at least x
Updated for 2 miles yesterday :)

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 59.54 miles (40.46 miles to go)
2nd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 28.3 miles (71.7 to go)
5th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 23.33 miles (76.67 miles to go)
7th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
2 miles done yesterday & 1.3 today :)

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 59.54 miles (40.46 miles to go)
2nd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 31.6 miles (69.4 to go)
5th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 23.33 miles (76.67 miles to go)
7th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
Just 2 miles.. need to pick up the pace n catch up!

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 59.54 miles (40.46 miles to go)
2nd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 31.6 miles (69.4 to go)
5th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 25.33 miles (74.67 miles to go)
7th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
10 k for yesterday please x
Only 1.3 yesterday!

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 59.54 miles (40.46 miles to go)
2nd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
3rd: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
4th: Parfittarole 32.7miles (67.3 miles to go)
5th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 25.33 miles (74.67 miles to go)
7th: Rosie_Lee - 22.2 miles (77.8 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
10 k for today so need 20 k updating x
10 k for today so need 20 k updating x

i've updated you but hope my maths is correct :D

i'm updating 5 days worth, my hubby says i'm trying to kill him lol.
30.57 miles :eek:

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 53.77 miles (46.23 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 32.7miles (67.3 miles to go)
6th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
7th: Leanne641 - 25.33 miles (74.67 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
2.6 done today :)

1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 53.77 miles (46.23 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
7th: Leanne641 - 25.33 miles (74.67 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 16.8 miles (84.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 53.77 miles (46.23 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
7th: Leanne641 - 25.33 miles (74.67 miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 20.8 miles (80.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 53.77 miles (46.23 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 28.33 miles (71.67 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 20.8 miles (80.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 57.35 miles (42.65 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 36.2 miles (63.8 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 28.33 miles (71.67 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 20.8 miles (80.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 57.35 miles (42.65 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 40.4 miles (59.6 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 28.33 miles (71.67 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 20.8 miles (80.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)

Updated for 4.2 miles
Last edited:
1st: hollyjayneratcliffe - 71.96 miles (28.04 miles to go)
2nd: Rosie_Lee - 61.58 miles (38.42 miles to go)
3rd: Trefoil - 50.6 Miles (49.4 miles to go)
4th: Susie25 - 40.4 miles (59.6 miles to go)
5th: Parfittarole 35.3 (64.7 miles to go)
6th: Leanne641 - 28.33 miles (71.67 miles to go)
7th: StinkySocs - 26.35 miles (73.65miles to go)
8th: x_Champagne_Supernova_x - 20.8 miles (80.2 miles to go)
9th: Nadiya -14.5miles miles (85.5miles to go)
10th: IWillBeAYummyMummy - 12.2 miles (87.8 miles to go)