104lbs to lose...........:(


Full Member
Hi all

Have been a member at minimins for a long time, but have never ventured onto this thread. So I've weighed myself this morning, and the cold hard facts make for some tough reading. I have 104lbs to lose...........:eek:

It's going to be tough, but I've failed so many times before, I feel like this time it just has to work. I'm nearing 30, and am sick of spending all my 20's being fat. Am sick of wearing the same clothes, of feeling unattractive, of feeling uncomfortable and out of breathe, of never been able to wear anything sexy or pretty.

So support me please everyone?? Have been highly depressed for weeks about this situation, but this morning I feel a determination and desire to slim that has been absent for a long time. Lying in my bed feeling sad won't achieve anything, I know I have to do this.

Thanks for listening guys, and please help me along!!
Hi Chloe and welcome, I'll help as much as i can. Good luck
Hi Chloecat,

How are you getting on? I too at my heaviest found it really tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel but once you start and really kick your arse into gear you will feel much better.

I only realised this morning that when I looked back at my heaviest and where I eventually want to be I initially had 103 pounds to lose. I lose some and then put some on but as it stands I still have 78 pounds to lose so we are pretty similar I think in how long our journey is going to take!

If you need anyone to buddy with I would be more than happy, I could always use someone to give me a kick up the backside too sometimes ;)

Good luck Chloe, I have 174 to lose, looks like we'll be sharing this journey together.
Good luck Chloe, I know it seems hard at the moment but use the support from the forum to spur you on. You CAN do this and everyone is here to help you! You aren't alone

You can do this Chloe - you've done the hard part which is accepting how much you have to lose, and that you have to do something about it, and taking steps to achieve it!

I have 111.5lbs to lose still, so I'll be here to support you if you need me :) xx