12 week challenge - 84 days

So ive had 5 days off and was awful!!! Oh dear! No idea what to do with this challenge as I wasnt even trying to stay on plan during those 5 days! Eek. And, 7lbs back on from my check on the scales this morning!
Draw a line and carry on Lavinia we're in it for the long haul :D This morning I was 3lbs heavier than my lowest recorded last week (God knows what I was yesterday morning) but I'm back on the wagon, and carrying on as before

I think if, at the end of the 12 weeks we can say 'I tried my best, and when I fluffed up I tried again - and I weigh less now than I did at the start' then we've achieved something. I may not average out at the 3lbs a week like I wanted to, or get down to 10'8'' at the end of the 12 weeks like I wanted to, but any progress made, however little, is better than if we hadn't taken the challenge on at all.

Think of the difference between eating everything in sight for the next 10 weeks, being on plan *most* of the time but falling off sometimes, and being strictly on plan 100% of the time. You'd forgive anyone else for being in the middle - so forgive yourself :) I am forgiving myself my blip at the weekend, and any failure I have in the future, as long as I promise to try my best to get back on it and not give up.

Pep talk over - you can do this! You'd be so disappointed if you logged on in 10 weeks and found we'd all *mostly* been on track and made some progress

You don't need to be perfect all the time, real life isn't like that - and especially the way us fatties (!) are wired to eat for every and any occasion
Hi Hun

I found u :) - had a catch up read xx

Wow u r quite the inspirational leader! - go Lou :) x

Well done and to everyone else joining this thread and good luck for the rest of your challenge x
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Morning all!

Sorry I haven't been on here in the past couple of days, I've been out and about and not getting back til silly o clock!

so I weighed myself yesterday and I'd GAINED 3lbs? I'm guessing because I was naughty on Saturday is the reason! tut tut! I still won't give in though, because I still weigh less than I did to start with. I was a teeny bit dissapointed though because I weighed myself on Friday evening and i had lost a further 2 pounds taking me up to half a stone!

I'm going to see my family for 10 days on Saturday so we will see what lies in store! I already decided I'm going to try and stick to plan as much as possible but I know I'm going to have a day or two off to go to a friends BBQ and have a few drinks. The plan is to try and stay low carb, so its burgers without the buns for me!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one having blips here and there, makes me realise I'm only human, and not to let them get the better of me so I give up completely!
That's the spirit!!! Any blip on this diet shows on the scales but it's just water don't worry

Tricky times ahead visiting family but sounds like you've got the right idea, no point planning to be 100% ,, best to find ways to make the plan fit

Love burgers without buns!! Might do Dukan after this challenge I loved that :)
What does the Dukan diet involve?

I did the Primal Blueprint/ Paleo diet before I did cambridge and it's the best I've ever felt. It just felt 'right' if you know what I mean. I lost weight at a steady rate and I felt wonderful, never recieved so many compliments about my skin and the way I looked. My bf said it's the happiest and most well he's ever seen me when I was on that diet so when it gets to the point where I want to maintain, I'll go back on that.
I think it is kind of similar, high protein low carb. Tbh the paleo is probably best in the long term to feed our bodies what they've evolved to digest

and am I right you're allowed cream?

I'd really love to follow that long term for my health and vanity ;)
I'm not sure whether you're allowed cream on that diet, I know you are on Atkins?

Tbh I don't really have cream anyway, I drink soya milk. But yeah the Paleo diet just feels 'right' for me, it's what we're supposed to be eating. I bought the primal blueprint book last year; its a bit cheesy and American if you know what I mean but everything in the book makes total sense! Once you get past the first week or so your body adjusts and you don't crave carbs any more.

I had a lot of fun making cookies with coconut flour/almond flour etc. Taste really nice!!

I'm looking forward to going back on it when I've got to a weight I'm happy with... it felt more like a way of life than a diet. x
michelleon - 17/84!
souffle - 15/84!
Lavinia - day 21/84!
Cherry Blossom - day 21/84!
Tinkerbellsmum - day 17/84!
Lou_G - day 18/84!
Zeke - day 26/70!

Good morning :D Got a new S&S delivery coming today yay! ordered just 3 bars for a little treat ;) although they might be a disappointment compared to the Atkins bars I've been eating

Meal out last night - stayed 99% on plan, had a little taster of son's cheesecake and also ate some tomatoes and red pepper (call the diet police ;)) it was LOVELY I was really tempted to have a little glass of red wine but thought I'd better not

So - 2 meals out this week, both on plan, yippee :D
michelleon - 18/84!
souffle - 16/84!
Lavinia - day 22/84!
Cherry Blossom - day 22/84!
Tinkerbellsmum - day 18/84!
Lou_G - day 19/84!
Zeke - day 27/70!

Cherry and Lavinia - is it weigh day today?

I had a sneak peek this morning and 12'7.8'' which is 1.8lbs down from Tuesday and I haven't 'been' for a few days so happy with that. Actually 0.8lbs down from week one so finally going in the right direction! Would love to get below 12'6.4'' by Monday morning for my target '0', and then everything else is new ground (lowest since 2009)


Just had oatmeal pancakes :D yummers - being quite relaxed about the extra egg - don't really count it so have more protein than I should but not a problem, :)O an extra egg!!) I don't think I got up to 15 stone by eating one extra egg a day ;)

Yep weigh day today and 5lb off :)
I've had a bad few days guys :( I can't seem to get in the right headspace!! This happens every time I need to order more food! I ran out of bars over a week ago and they are my weakness! If I have my bars I'm happy :(

I have no intention of giving up completely but the 'emotional eater' in me has come out with a vengeance this week. Been a really stressful week at work and I've in all honesty, got in from work and eaten. most days it was extra veg and more protein, but I did have a muffin at work yesterday!!

I just want this horrible week to be over with!! I've already eaten half a sandwich this morning so I'm debating whether to just leave it for today or carry on with the packets??