14 Stone To Lose

Oh darling Kym I'm so sorry to hear about all the sadness with your cousin and your grand dad getting worse, you have been through the wringer love, the biggest of hugs for you!

You are am amazing lady, supportive and loving, and you deserve only good things in 2015 xxxx
hi kym
hope you are keeping ok love
Huge hugs all round my darlings, happy new year! Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend before the new year gets properly kicked off with a full week.

Haven't been around for a few days as had family & friends overload as we all sort things out/visiting/looking after mum so haven't had chance to get on properly - sorry! Wish you all a wonderful new year - here's to a much better one for all of us this year :)

Trying to reply now on a phone screen in the back seat of a car whilst trying to avoid travel sickness - classy me ;) Will catch up and read everyone's diaries tomorrow so I can reply properly and be back to normal and around more! :)

Love you all xxx
Happy new year my darlings! :) Hope you all had a wonderful time - here is to our year! :) (Thanks too SJB - I can do about half an hour in a car but that's it. I'm fine in trains though thank god! I love trains :D /bigkid)

2015 hasn't had a great start, a family member has been diagnosed with cancer as of Friday and at her age she's not going to have chemotherapy as she doesn't want to deal with the side effects. Life sure sucks sometimes doesn't it! She's refusing to just roll over and let it take her though bless her and has banned moping and upset.

I've finally treated myself to a gel nail kit as an early birthday present for the age that allegedly has a 3 starting it :cry:) - it was an absolute bargain of £22.50 thanks to the sale (if anyone has a Boyes near them, it's this one - make sure they're aware it's in the 25% off sale and not the £29.99 it says). I've been wearing it since Friday and I'm REALLY chuffed with it. It's so nice being actually able to use your fingers to do things post-painting them(!) Byebye all food 'treats' after seeing you know who. It'll just be a nice new gel nail polish :D I'm determined to grow my nails this year and it's only when I paint them that they seem to last and it's the gel nail polish that actually lasts!

Speaking of nails, we've had to cancel the lady who does twat's nails every 6 weeks because of the home involving Social Services as we now "HAVE" to use the one who visits the home. Going to miss her as she'd been coming since he was living at home and she's absolutely lovely :(

I've put a fair amount on after Christmas. I was going to be really good and limit things on the whole and then December happened and things hit the fan. Life was deemed far too short, especially after Andrew's funeral on the 23rd so we enjoyed Christmas as best as possible. It wasn't really the food calories I don't think - it's the alcohol that's done it! I'm not a massive drinker and I don't get drunk (only tipsy!) (god knows we've seen what it does!) but I've had quite a few and they're empty cals as it is.

I don't regret a single second or calorie of it! Obviously I'd rather they weren't all back there but hopefully a/ a fair bit is water weight and b/ IT WAS FUN :D I've updated all stats and things :D

Here's to another year of fabulous losses! :)

How are you all getting on? Did you have fun?! :) How was your new year? :)
Nice to see you back glad you have been treating yourself. Sorry 2015 hasn't started well for you hears to things getting better for you onwards and upwards except for them scales they will be going down I'm sure xx
So sorry to hear about your family member, but she sounds like she is putting her chin up and meeting it head on - I like the "has banned moping", that's fab.

And as for your gain - you have been through the wringer with everything going on with your dad and Andrew, on top of the normal coping stuff you do keeping things together at home - as we both know too well, life can be too short sometimes for anything other than great big cream cakes and vats of wine. So you're back on track and will blow that small turkey neck of a gain out of the water in no time, sweetie!!!

My Christmas and New Year was Ok, quiet, with much reflection on life and the universe - but 2015 is going to be fab! xxx
You can do it, hun! :) We're right behind you!

Susie, this is definitely our year! It's not allowed to be a repeat of last years awful shittip. I've told it so in no uncertain terms ;)
Great to see you back hon! :) I'm sorry to hear you're having so many problems in the family still. Glad you enjoyed Christmas though - don't worry about the gain, like you said a lot of it will be water. My weight went up 6lbs, but i'm now down to a gain of 2lbs from my pre-Christmas weight just by being back on track for a week. Quick on, quick off! :) xx
Sorry to hear about your family member.
I am glad you enjoyed Christmas though. I never count calories over Christmas. You'll lose the bit you've put on easily. xxx
hi love
so sorry to here your new year started off not to great but what a brave person i love her attitude its her life and she as chosen her way wow what a wonderful person i take my hat off to them
i had a quiet christmas and a great new year but im back on it now feel positive this year is mine lolol
Thank you loves :) Things are a bit calmer now, mum has her PIP assessment come Friday so hopefully there'll be some good news there (I'm fully expecting it to fail but don't they always....!!!)

I allegedly turn 30 in just over 3 weeks too. Or 20-10 as I may refer to it. this truly is our year to make it as good as we can (NO MATTER WHAT! And that's an order, ladies ;) )
PrincessSparklePants said:
Thank you loves :) Things are a bit calmer now, mum has her PIP assessment come Friday so hopefully there'll be some good news there (I'm fully expecting it to fail but don't they always....!!!)

I allegedly turn 30 in just over 3 weeks too. Or 20-10 as I may refer to it. this truly is our year to make it as good as we can (NO MATTER WHAT! And that's an order, ladies ;) )

You're so young, I feel ancient!! :D xx