14 week countdown!

Well done on only having you're one bad day and being straight back on the plan. I know what you mean about being complacent and end up making your own rules. That's where I have gone wrong in the past. With snacks I only have them if I need them but I don't say I can't have them. If I'm hungry I have one if not I don't bother.
Fallen off the wagon is an understatement! Again haven't eaten any junk food, but completely off plan!!! What is wrong with me!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Need to refocus and get properly back on track!!!
Restart tomorrow, I'm running out of weeks now!! 12 weeks to go this Saturday to the wedding and 13 weeks tomorrow till holiday. If I cannot get motivated for this, nothing else will do it!! NEED TO PULL MYSELF TOGETHER!!!