15 stone to 14 stone support

gained this week, but I'm sure it is all fake as it's star week in a few days which is where I gain 5lbs even no matter what. So I'm staying put with you guys, but hoping to run away in a few weeks when a true measurement of my weight will come through.
gained this week, but I'm sure it is all fake as it's star week in a few days which is where I gain 5lbs even no matter what. So I'm staying put with you guys, but hoping to run away in a few weeks when a true measurement of my weight will come through.

Yeah water retention for star week is horrible x be off next week, don't worry x
I hate star week too - always gaing at least 3lbs :( Still it always comes off the next week as long as I can stay off the chocolate:D
Lost 3.5 last night, 2.5 to go to get back to pre Xmas weight!! Only have a pizza and curry evening to get in my way! Haha x
Hoping to leave the 15's by Sunday. Fingers crossed. Will feel sooo chuffed to get in the 14's!! Think ill cry like I did when I get in the 15's Ha ha! X

Currently 15st 1.75lbs
Honestly. Losing weight have been the best thing ever!! I can't wait until I reach my target! I love all the chit chat on here too. Lol x

Currently 15st 1.75lbs
Arw! That's nice of you. Bet your neighbour is super pleased! Brill to hear positivity. X

Currently 15st 1.75lbs
Yeah, I only happened to bump into her and we were chatting about the stupid big hill, and I said I can get up it quicker now, and it went on from there. she said she went before and was going to get back on it. bumped into her again today, she was picking her kid up from school and we were walking back from toddlers and she said her diet was out of the window already, and she did really need to go to group. I said it was on tomorrow at the football club and I THINK I have an offer for free membership so she'd just pay the weekly fee, she said she'd see me then. loads of my friends from school/uni/work have been joining up (about half a dozen) because I update my losses on FB every week. So pleased for them all. one is getting married in september. She lost 2lbs last week and was disappointed, I reassured her and this week she lost 6lbs! she is super excited bless her. It does mean I get asked about food all the time. mind, my mum always picks up stuff and asks the syns of it. if it is chocolate I usually already know. Haha
Hi all,
Got into the 15st bracket las night. I'm currently 15st 11.5lb so i'm hoping it doesn't take me long to drop to the 14's :)
Lost another lb so I am back to my lowest and my stats on the side. I refuse to increase them because the gains aren't allowed to stay! Now I can start making a dent into my old fat. I was in the 15s when I was 15 so this is some pretty ancient fat to get shifted :) hoping for 2.5lbs next week, if I get that off twice I will be at 5 stone lost with sw. Now I am at my lowest I really should go and get my medical records updated (5.5 stone lighter than their records).
hey all, newbie (ish)
back to SW since monday, weighin tomorrow night. looking forward to getting closer to those lovely 14s