15 stone to 14 stone support

Mmmmm my second attempt at the half syn roulade.. Made it with banana and home grown raspberries... nom!!

Mmmmm my second attempt at the half syn roulade.. Made it with banana and home grown raspberries... nom!!

View attachment 99300

That looks really good, think i shall have to find that recipe. i used to make things like flapjack, including one with a chocolate layer or with a jam middle, mint aero or toblerone cheesecakes, bakewell tart, but its all had to stop now. :cry:
i have added a blog entry of food pics, just handy for somewhere to keep for future reference.
15st 1.5
I'll be leaving you by Wednesday *determined*
Well done Charlotte.

Am i losing the plot here? This is 15 st - 14 st, does that not mean/cover 15 st 13 lbs - 14 st 0 lbs, or do people only count it as the 15 st bracket? (15 s 0 lbs - 15 st 13 lbs?) I suppose it all depends how one reads the title of the thread. :brainfart:
It really was yummy!

Well done Charlotte!!

Daz, most people do class the threads as a "15 stone 13lbs to 14 stone 13lb" thing.. but don't go! It'll go quiet here again lol :(

I will "try" to take that as a compliment rather than in inference that i go on a bit, but only because i like You. :kissass:
Well done sallyann. i might have to come with You, seems that ive misread the concept and should be in the next band down anyway, but Jodie wont let me leave. :eek: