15 stone to 14 stone support

Well done Feynman, and brummie keep your chin up - at least it's not a gain and hopefully it will show up next week :)
Hi Everyone!!

I would like to join the 15 to 14 forum, If Ok??

At weigh in this morning I had lost 5lb and gained my 3st award, which took me to 15st 10lb!! :D

Look forward to chatting!!

Andy (t11cky)
Thanks pigler i'm trying to stay positive and hoping foqg better neyt week. Welcome Andy, what a great loss for you this week,keep up the good work!
Welcome tr11cky, not only are you hot on my heels from the 16's but you've already overtaken me! :eek:

Hi it looks like we have a close battle on, lol

I joined a week after you and was half a pound less than you to start with!!
So I have only lost half a pound more than you, It doesn't get much closer than that.

Hope we have the joy of moving into the next forum asap!!
Good luck to you and everyone else.

I was gonna WI tomorrow for the first time in 2 weeks but I had a massive binge on chocolate florentines :( knew it was a mistake buying them. Gonna have a detox day of Superfree soup tomorrow and go WI thurs instead. Oh god I hate the food guilt!
Try not to guilt trip to much we all have naughty days from time to time and feeling guilty will just make you want naughty things even more! As you say make a new start tomorrow and think positive! Good luck, you can do it!
I've been so good other than that, thats the annoying thing, I always eat really good meals, but crave sweet things so soooo much! I've managed to curb my bread, crisps, wine, cheese habits, but chocolate is soooo hard, I get hormonal and crave sweet. argh! x
I often crave sweet things although not chocolate. I make the SW roulade and spread a little melted choc on it, or a curly whirly from the fridge lasts a while and about 6 syns, also tonight tried syn fre egg custard. All very good although still naughty at times.
Mines usually cake/choc related cravings. I dont like sweets though, actually I'll make some of the roulade again as that's satisfying and low, I just need to be more organised I think
It is difficult but aeing organised does help. I also find making a 3 or 4 syn trifle is good for a sweet tooth. 50g of arctic roll is only 5 syns and is always handy to have in the freezer, if im really needing sugar i melt a square of chocolate over it!
That's weird I was looking at arctic rolls today wondering how many syns they were! Thanks! X
Thats the great thing with this site you get to share what you know and ask about what you don't! Good luck for the week ahead!x
Whooo hooo have dropped down to the 14's lost 3.5lb this week
Lost 1lb so 15.3 now getting closer, god I wish I was in the 14's it'd make me feel so much better! Xx