1st day nearly over



1st day nearly over and i survived it lol. It is not as hard as i thought it was gonna be. I no its gonna be a big challange but also such a big achievment too.
Just had a few comments from my friends saying that the diet was not safe and not gonna do me no gud etc, so had to do a lot of confincing.
Had 2 headaches but got through them by glugging the water lol, so they soon went.
Really looking forward to starting day 2 and i hope it doesn't get ne worse. FINGERS CROSSED

same here off to bed in an hour .....and day 1 will be complete !!!

1st day nearly over and i survived it lol. It is not as hard as i thought it was gonna be. I no its gonna be a big challange but also such a big achievment too.
Just had a few comments from my friends saying that the diet was not safe and not gonna do me no gud etc, so had to do a lot of confincing.
Had 2 headaches but got through them by glugging the water lol, so they soon went.
Really looking forward to starting day 2 and i hope it doesn't get ne worse. FINGERS CROSSED


YAY !! you can do this - the first few days are the worst - you'll be feelin fab by the weekend !! keep it up !!

Debz xx
Well done tigg, you sound like you're going to do really well on this diet, ignore the friends, they haven't read the info and will keep telling you it's bad and you've lost enough, we know better, here's to day two, soon be day seven and you'll be much lighter xx