2 bars ??


I am now just over 5 weeks into the SS Cambridge diet and have lost nearly 2 stone :) Very pleased. What I cannot understand is why we are not allowed 2 bars per day, as some of the bars do not have more calories in them than the shakes?? Do any consultants allow them to buy 2 bars a week??

When I did Lipotrim years ago, I knew a few people who had 3 biscuits a day instead of the shakes, as they didn't like the shakes. I would just prefer to have 2 bars a day, than one.....but if that is the rule, I just wanted to know why ??
If you look at the back... There's a load of sugar in them over 10 grams!!! so I guess more than one a day would definitely knock you out of ketosis! I actually feel abit panicked that I've had one now as I didn't realise the high sugar content of them!! Also the bars gave 174/ 184 calories where the shakes only have 146 kcals in them!
I knows too! It explains why I've being feeling so hungry! I wish I didn't get the bars now!!! Gah evil sugar I definitely feel out if ketosis now sooo glad I'm at work tomorrow to help me get back into it!
In not sure all I know is I feel crazy hungry! Like I can easily eat, eat and eat some more!! 10 months on this and I'be not felt like this! Boo!!! I can't really remember getting into ketosis the first time round it feels so long ago!
You're right - in many of the bars there is over 10g of sugar. http://www.cambridgeweightplan.com/...itional sheets 26_11_12/Bars with yoghurt.pdf

But that's also true of the shakes. :) http://www.cambridgeweightplan.com/...s etc 26_11_12/Product nutrional exc bars.pdf

That's not the reason it's recommended you only have one bar a day.

It's recommended you only have one per day because of another ingredient in some of the bars - a substance called a polyol. Polyols are a both a type of fibre and a type of artificial sweetener and can have a laxative effect and/or give you wind. Some people also react to polyols as though they're a form of carbohydrate, which means they can make you hungry.

In my many years on and off the diet (oops) I've known people successfully do this diet having three bars a day cos they couldn't stand the shakes. It can be done but it isn't recommended unless you're happy to carry a spare pair of knickers in your handbag. ;)
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That made me laugh Lily....I have too spoken to women who have had 2 bars per day since they started the diet, and it has made no difference to their weight loss at all, they have lost a good weight every week. A friend of mine who lives up the line from me, has been on the Cambridge diet for 5 months and lost over 5 stone having two bars per day, as she does not like the shakes at all and lives on 2 bars and chicken and mushroom soup. Seeing my consultant on Wednesday, so will ask, as some days I really do fancy another bar and not a shake, don't mean I want 2 bars every day, but just occasionally I do, like at weekends when the days are longer and boring !!!