20 somethings

I was at uni in Durham and I LOVE stotties! There was an amazing little builders café in Newcastle where they put 5 whole sausages in one sausage stottie - heavenly!
Yay Emily I am thrilled for you! You'll be getting your 10% award soon! I reclaimed my first interim target again this week, but mine is 4 stone 1lb. Haha.

I love baking my own bread but I eat it all when it is still warm with butter melting on it... And then I end up eating most of the loaf.

Lentil sausage thing turned out ok but mum was naughty and ate chocolate before it and left half then ate crackers. It's like having a naughty child sometimes. She wouldn't have any superfree with lunch either. I'm making my badass chicken soup tomorrow. Mmmm.
Well my boyfriend has always said, if stottie wasnt from the north east it would probably be a world wide delicacy! Haha!

Haha I completely agree. Is it true that pease pudding is only a northern thing too? Ham and pease pudding in stottie wow. X
I was at uni in Durham and I LOVE stotties! There was an amazing little builders café in Newcastle where they put 5 whole sausages in one sausage stottie - heavenly!

oh wow! Now that would be heavenly but major calories going on there. I love that it was a builders cafe hah. X
Laubride said:
Haha I completely agree. Is it true that pease pudding is only a northern thing too? Ham and pease pudding in stottie wow. X

Yes I am constantly looking for it round here!! You can get it in a tin but its not as nice. I always get excited in leeds market thinking I've found some but it always turns out to be beef dripping :(
Thanks Fran. I know what you mean about home baked bread! I made ciabatta a little while ago and ate most of a loaf with a whole lot of truffle oil in one sitting!
Ok, have read through everything but my God I can't remember who has said what. I saw someone lost at WI...well done. Good luck for the morning Scarlett and you never know so keep your fingers crossed.

I fell asleep earlier and am now wide awake, will be up til like 3am grr...my own fault, I don't know why I think I'm capable of sleeping for such a long period at once.

Glad Celtic won, Clare :)
Aww jenna, a nap should only be for half an hour to refresh else you get this problem. I always want to nap when Nate does but I'd end up so behind. I do love a good nap though.

Ahh Emily glad you share bread-love! Hovis do some white rolls that are so good, they taste like doughnuts!

Scarlet you aren't a grumpy guts, you just have some kids/adults in need of a swift smack.
I have to full on avoid bread on SW because I cannot be stopped!! Tiger rolls for bacon butties on a Saturday, tear and share garlic bread, my brother's foccaccia... My dad got really into making bread and always had a fresh cob sitting on the side - lethal!
Fresh warm homemade kills me. Now the parents have stopped the b&b im not constantly tortured by it. Thank god.

Aww jenna any reason why? It's ok, kids kinda train you out of sleep. Getting it now and it's lovely, when he first started sleeping through my nerves were shot I just stayed up all night convinced he'd cry the instant I fell asleep. No plans tomorrow. Breakfast, birds, make stock, playing, nate nap, make soup, put away **** loads of laundry, I'm thinking of moving nate's cit from my room into the nursery because he can climb out of it onto my bed when I imprison him, and move in the travel cot and do a bit of general furniture rearranging. I have nothing going on ever. Woe. Are you gymming it again? Gym bunny :p

I don't think it's so much it us calorific but it is morish... Bread and butter best thing ever.... Mmm.