20 somethings

Fran, you must stop talking about Nate as I literally want him for my own entertainment haha! Pure loving him cuddling the fat ahaha!
Omg, see whenever people start that 'not that you were big' crap it makes me want to throttle them....I may not have been theee fattest person to ever exist but for my height and build I didn't look thin. I'd prefer they just didn't say anything if they can't be honest when they do bring it up...eejits.

Aww thank you lyrically :) It's weird the way weight just goes/doesn't go to certain places isn't it and the fact it's different for everyone.
So I'm watching embarrassing bodies. This woman has excess skin 'down there' and is scared to take her clothes off infront of a new partner - so strips off on the tele?!?
I've always had skinny wrists too. It's a really random thing but jewellers have commented on it. It's not a very useful place to be skinny though!

That said, I've done body type tests before where they measure your wrists to calculate your frame size and apparently I am actually 'big boned'!
I always thought I was big boned but now I can join my forefinger and thumb round my wrist so I guess I made that$hit up to make myself feel better haha!

Omg Clare, do not even start me on that show. There's one guy who has been on like 3 different episodes of it...too embarassed to get it on with partners but whips his bits out on the tv, you can hardly see his wee winky god love him he has soooo much excess skin from being overweight. It's not v pleasant to look at...he ALWAYS seems to be on the eps I watch.
Haha honestly Nate does sound like such a lite character, bless him! Lily notices more then Bonnie but they do look at my photos and say 'well why are you smaller but big in the newspaper!?' And they call SW swimming world, like I just go there to swim :D they are so funny, lily likes telling everyone I used to be big and that she's proud of me cos I'm small now she says haha. Jenna what you said about people saying you were never big i totally get, wether you need to lose 20stone, 10stone, 3 stone or half a stone it's a huge thing to each individual. People join SW now and come into my group and a few months ago I overheard 2 women looking at me saying 'she doesn't need to come, this is slimming world' and it just shows how judgemental some people can be, my consultant made a point of getting me up to tell new members what I'd achieved and showing all my pics haha x
Agh see I would crack up with people like that, my cousin went with her mum and to me I would say she's a skinny girl who doesn't need to lose weight but if she feels knocking a few pounds off would help her feel better then go for it. She stopped going as people were being weird with her. It's ridiculous that people can make you feel like that. Good on your consultant for showing them! Balls to them!
Jenna88 said:
I always thought I was big boned but now I can join my forefinger and thumb round my wrist so I guess I made that$hit up to make myself feel better haha!

Omg Clare, do not even start me on that show. There's one guy who has been on like 3 different episodes of it...too embarassed to get it on with partners but whips his bits out on the tv, you can hardly see his wee winky god love him he has soooo much excess skin from being overweight. It's not v pleasant to look at...he ALWAYS seems to be on the eps I watch.

Jenna you have no idea how hard I'm laughing at that description. Has to be read in a Belfast accent too!!
Jenna88 said:
Agh see I would crack up with people like that, my cousin went with her mum and to me I would say she's a skinny girl who doesn't need to lose weight but if she feels knocking a few pounds off would help her feel better then go for it. She stopped going as people were being weird with her. It's ridiculous that people can make you feel like that. Good on your consultant for showing them! Balls to them!

A woman joined at group on wed with half a stone to lose and she was very depressed about herself, so many judgemental idiots around, balls to them as you say Jenna!! I'm like the least confrontational person in the world so just kept my mouth shut when I heard, just made me realise how nasty some people can be, they don't know a thing about me! X
You can all have a nice dose of my leg fat if you want it. Plenty to go around! Hsha

We have ladies who just need to lose half a stone and others more, I make sure I clap louder for those with less to lose to make up the difference. Haha. God Jess we have loads of Target members at my group who come every week. I love that I was chatting to a member in the queue and she was confused about setting her target as she didn't want to lose 10% she'd be too thin. I just asked her how much she wanted to lose. It was half a stone and it made no difference to either of us how different our goals were. It was great :)
I left SW last time because people were so funny that I was too slim to be there. I was a stone overweight when I started, and while I know a lot of people had far more to lose it was still a big deal to me. Even my consultant was dismissive about my STSs and I really began to feel that I didn't matter. I left before I even got my 1 stone award. People would say "I don't know what you're worried about; I'd love to have a figure like yours" - and while some were meaning well others were just being snarky about it.

I love my new group because there are people at all stages and lots of target members. My consultant mentions how much they've lost every week because we always have new members and you just wouldn't imagine them 8 stone heavier!
Good luck Jenna!

Bed time for me too - although there's little chance of sleep as the drunk OH is already snoring beside me...

Night night ladies! xxx
Hi all, am in be too and just spend a little while catching myself up! I've missed a good old chinwag tonight I think :)

The way I see it is we are ALL slimming world members for one reason, we want to lose weight (or have done and are maintaining) now to me that means it shouldn't matter how much weight is involved as we all know the hard work involved to shift each individual lb!! We are all doing the right things and taking the right steps, so sod what other people have to say about it :)

I'm not sure if it was on this thread I mentioned an older lady at my group, we have a stand in consultant at the min, and she said "______ gained half lb this week, BUT she's still at target!" And everyone clapped. The consultant then asked "how long have you been at target for _____?" To which the lady very calmly replied "24 years"

I was utterly amazed, and told OHs mam that in 24 years, I want to be that same slim woman!! Amazing!!


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So on the third journey over to the airport (to work, to drop joe and to pick him up) there's now a flipping diversion meaning I can't go straight on the motorway and had to go some weird local route - not happy about it!!

Laura, I'm sure you'll be that woman :D

On a positive note, tracks 3,4 and 5 on my ronan cd are now magically working so I got 3 new songs for my journey!