20 somethings

Aww thats fab about the op hun, and a good idea to write like a diary it could really benefit others x
That sounds like a great idea, Jess!

On a doubly related note, I was talking to my mum's friend who lost 10 stone with SW over a good few years but only ever lost 1lb at a time. She was really fed up with the sloooowww creep to target but in the end all her skin has tightened back up, whereas others who lost weight faster ended up with saggy bits. I was really surprised because I thought where you have stretch marks the skin has lost all its elasticity and will never go back. Maybe she was just queen of moisturising.

I've just had to take some close-up face shots for my sister's final year art project - enough to stop me feeling complacent about my weight loss so far! I'm really happy with my loss so far but I almost get a bit too comfortable with it. Seeing how round my face still is (close-ups are SO unforgiving!) has given me another little kick to keep going until I get to target. I really need to sort out some before photos and start a little gallery.
She sounds so lucky Emily! My stomach is definitely not going back to normal, I wouldn't have the surgery if I thought I could do it on my own, will definitely do a diary and post before and afters for you girls to see! X
I vote number 2, really shows off your tattoo which I love btw!!
Now I've lost most of my weight I'm looking at getting one and that's definitely one I like!
Hi ladies, have caught up, that's great Jess about the op. I think a diary would've a great idea, I find things like that really useful
How everyone's had a good day, Jenna hoe first day went well!
Hope you had a good first day Jenna :) I had a pretty quiet day at work which makes a change, though the directors are back in the office tomorrow (they've been off for a few weeks) deep joy :( Just had me tea and think i'll have a nice chilled evening! x
Jess, what is the operation for? Is it to tighten loose skin after weight loss? Wherabouts on your body are you having it done? Is that on the NHS?

Well, unfortunately, my 2 favourite men have found there way to me... silly boys! They were calling to me from the freezer and begged me to eat them. But I am going to the drs tomorrow for my neck and hopefully my pain will be managed by wed so I can start exercising again! I am weak :( but I am in so much pain at the moment I really need a bit of comfort... yes, I know I am making excuses lol.
Jess, what is the operation for? Is it to tighten loose skin after weight loss? Wherabouts on your body are you having it done? Is that on the NHS?

Well, unfortunately, my 2 favourite men have found there way to me... silly boys! They were calling to me from the freezer and begged me to eat them. But I am going to the drs tomorrow for my neck and hopefully my pain will be managed by wed so I can start exercising again! I am weak :( but I am in so much pain at the moment I really need a bit of comfort... yes, I know I am making excuses lol.

Say hi to my two freezer friends for me, it's been ages since i've seen them :( Hope the docs goes well x
They send their love and say they are proud of you for staying strong and not succumbing to their powers like me
oh steph those boys are banned from my house!

Jess I am so happy. It makes a huge difference when you have a real date. I hope the surgeon has gopd news for how it'll go.

We are heading home from exeter now. Laptop handed over and if they can't fix it I get a new one. I hope they cab fix it though. I have also got my new knee high boots! Eeii. After nothing fitting me past year I'm super happy. Got some necklaces in the sale too. Tights, leggings and a new knitty dress from primarni :) I got a cute jumper for Nate and his Xmas pjs (family tradition). I also got my Xmas pj bottoms and qhen I picked some out my mum goes "i think you might need a smaller pair" and laughed at me. Beaming. Earlier today she did say "i don't think you realise how much weight you've lost from your legs" and when she saw me in my outfit to go out "ooh, you really are miss slinky!" My mum never says stuff like this so I am so happy. Last time she said "your feet are less fat" which isn't the most charming of compliments. Haha. Unfortunately exeter must be full of sw members because there were no jacket potatoes served qith beans anywhere! We eventually found somewhere that had two potatoes left and I had lemon chicken because you can't bugger round with that too much. I had to get something to eat and drink at Tesco and bring it over because they had nothing suitable. shocking! He is now past out in the car.

Jenna, how did the first day go?
Steph yeah I'm getting a tummy tuck to remove excess skin on my stomach, I had a long battle and a decline from the nhs but they have accepted and meet the surgeon on December 3rd! Jenna don't leave us in the dark! How did you get on missy?
Fran sounds like you've had a busy day! No wonder little bean is zonked in the car!! Great about your mums lovely compliments! You are doing amazing! And good for you treating yourself, you deserve it slinky legs xxx
Lol, they're not quite slinky! The boots were £55 and so mum gave me the last £25 I had left from the you're-less-fat-money my Grandad sent down yonks ago. The other stuff is just primarni so that's fine. My last years knitty dresses don't fit so I needed something really.

We skipped the bath tonight, just changed him, gave him some milk and he is passed out. Poor lamb. Now to sling on the pjs, scoff chilli and watch corrie! Anyone else got a better evening planned?
Hi everyone, I've had a shitty first day back, an have SO much work to do tonight, going to try and power through til 9 to get it all done, then watch I'm a celeb, so will be on for a proper natter later on :)

Hope you are all well :)

P.S. getting this bad boy in the post has most definitely cheered up my evening!!

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Franalamadingdong said:
Lol, they're not quite slinky! The boots were £55 and so mum gave me the last £25 I had left from the you're-less-fat-money my Grandad sent down yonks ago. The other stuff is just primarni so that's fine. My last years knitty dresses don't fit so I needed something really.

We skipped the bath tonight, just changed him, gave him some milk and he is passed out. Poor lamb. Now to sling on the pjs, scoff chilli and watch corrie! Anyone else got a better evening planned?

Sounds like a perfect evening to me, snuggled sofa night for me tonight watching tv, meeting my friend and her new baby in morning so very exited for baba cuddles!! My step mum on a Monday night has started takin Bonnie to her house for tea so me and lily after school can do some school work, bought her a fun new book today, she really enjoyed it, with Bonnie being younger I find it difficult to have any one on one time with lily and she needs more so we are making it our Monday night thing! We had great fun, she especially loved her brand new peppa pig pencil case and stationary set!! X
camz said:
Hi everyone, I've had a shitty first day back, an have SO much work to do tonight, going to try and power through til 9 to get it all done, then watch I'm a celeb, so will be on for a proper natter later on :)

Hope you are all well :)

P.S. getting this bad boy in the post has most definitely cheered up my evening!!

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Gorgeous camz I love it!!!! Goodluck with the work and then some well deserved rest and I'm a celeb time!! X
Oh that's lovely of your step mum to do. I bet Lily really appreciates it too. Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon. Ooh baba cuddles are lovely, when they are too young to refuse. Haha. Mum just said she'll give me her sworovski earrings that match my cheap new necklace. Score. Chilli hasn't been put on yet because she has indigestion from her mocha. I was saintly and had tea :) so I have 2 hifi lights for now. What was the book about? I remember really enjoying room on the broom the first time I read it. Probably more than nate. haha. He spent the day flirting with everyone. He stopped in Tesco to pick up a receipt on the floor then looked up at a random man and tried to hand it to him smiling. The man just beams back at him and goes "oh is that for me?" While we hold up everyone trying to leave and no one minded! He could hand people poo on a stick and they'd take it with a smile!

Laura hope you have finished working if you are reading this! :p
Franalamadingdong said:
Oh that's lovely of your step mum to do. I bet Lily really appreciates it too. Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon. Ooh baba cuddles are lovely, when they are too young to refuse. Haha. Mum just said she'll give me her sworovski earrings that match my cheap new necklace. Score. Chilli hasn't been put on yet because she has indigestion from her mocha. I was saintly and had tea :) so I have 2 hifi lights for now. What was the book about? I remember really enjoying room on the broom the first time I read it. Probably more than nate. haha. He spent the day flirting with everyone. He stopped in Tesco to pick up a receipt on the floor then looked up at a random man and tried to hand it to him smiling. The man just beams back at him and goes "oh is that for me?" While we hold up everyone trying to leave and no one minded! He could hand people poo on a stick and they'd take it with a smile!

Laura hope you have finished working if you are reading this! :p

Paha Nate just gets cuter!!! I am reading and I've not finished haha!! Xxx

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Franalamadingdong said:
Oh that's lovely of your step mum to do. I bet Lily really appreciates it too. Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon. Ooh baba cuddles are lovely, when they are too young to refuse. Haha. Mum just said she'll give me her sworovski earrings that match my cheap new necklace. Score. Chilli hasn't been put on yet because she has indigestion from her mocha. I was saintly and had tea :) so I have 2 hifi lights for now. What was the book about? I remember really enjoying room on the broom the first time I read it. Probably more than nate. haha. He spent the day flirting with everyone. He stopped in Tesco to pick up a receipt on the floor then looked up at a random man and tried to hand it to him smiling. The man just beams back at him and goes "oh is that for me?" While we hold up everyone trying to leave and no one minded! He could hand people poo on a stick and they'd take it with a smile!

Laura hope you have finished working if you are reading this! :p

Hahahaha poo on a stick, I'd be one of those people, if an adorable little Nate handed me a poo stick id accept for sure!! Haha. How lovely of your mum for the earrings!! The book was fab, picked it up in Morrisons, it was a number book and had lots of different activities, such as a page with 2 blank trees which she had to colour in and then she had to draw 5 apples on one tree and 4 plums on the other which she really enjoyed! And then on another page there was 3 little girls and one of them had a kite with a number 4 on and she had to follow the string to see who was flying the number 4 kite and then write a number 4 on the little girls t-shirt! There was some fab little activities! Really good or encourage numbers, as I can imagine it must get quite boring for little ones doing just numbers! And for each page she finished there were stickers to add on to the page that say 'I am brilliant!' X
Hey girls! My internet is dodge atm... Just had 6 syns atm... Not having any more today to knock 9 syns off the added 15 I had yesterday! 6 Less tomoro and thats me back on track .

Had a crap day at school today so I'm thinking, could I become a GEORDIE?? Lol ..... I'm thinking of moving badly atm.. Basically for me and my OH to have a better life...

Whats employment like at the moment in the UK atm??