20 somethings

Thanks lovely I will deffo measure, have been taking pics in my undies at every milestone to keep me going, so inch loss will help too xxx
Oh and you will want to severely hurt jillian in some form lol but just use that mentality to push you through the workout, and dont use 11lb weights like I did haha
I've def not done my best these last few days (read weeks!) back on plan tomorrow so hopefully can start undoing some of the damage before my holiday!

As for shred I've done it (and will be restarting soon) it works but it hurts! It's full on but it has to be to get results quickly. I found I had to do 2/3 days of it then a day off or I just couldn't do it properly. It is fab though and it really really works. I just used tins of beans as weights to start with and ease into it, then after a week or so move to light hand weights. X
Haha I deffo don't think I will use 11lb weights haha! Going to combine it with c25k, hopefully see some results soon!! X

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Haha that's the idea, be tripping over my drip!! X

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Girls - I'm going to start my c25k 3 times a week resolution TODAY!! I've decided to cancel my gym membership (I'm seriously rubbish at going!) and try to get into running properly at least 3x a week. Here goes!! X

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I'm planning on starting this too, was going to begin it in the summer but then was off work for 9 weeks with back probs so never started it x

Happy new year! What a beautiful day, shame I'm too tired and hungover to go outside and enjoy it haha! Had a great night, but feeling about a stone heavier this morning!
Sounds very restrained laura- think i was the opposite of restrained! I'm considering restarting couch25k, did it in 2011 and managed to do a charity 5k but didn't have the proper shoes and got a stress fracture, need to get properly fitted for running shoes then will start up again as I really enjoyed it.

Shame you don't have anywhere else to run fran, if all else fails get some running waders ;)

Aww Christie new baby cuddles are the best :) they should bottle the new baby skin smell!

Hope the hangover has recovered. As miserable as not doing anything last night was I felt smug this morning when I didn't have a hangover lol. Just got in from the footy x

Have also just downloaded the 30 day shred, anyone tried it/can tell me what to expect...going to watch it now before my run, get myself in the mood haha! Xx

Have also given this ago and also wanted to kill jillian but found it fab and my fitness improved quickly with it, x
question time lol with sw online do you need a starter pack or is all the information you need on the site in regards to the new hex's etc.. ? Im thinking of joining online for a bit probably continue for the duration or at least 6 months but still get the new food directory(unless this isnt needed either?), dont really want to also fork out 20-30 quid for the starter pack if i can help it so what do you think is best?
Ladies I did something a little bit daft this morning.... Signed myself up for the bham 5k fun run in September to raise money for cancer research! I figured it will give me an aim for starting to do some running and improve my fitness plus wanted something to achieve in 2013 and cancer research is close to my heart at the moment with my favourite man in the whole world my dad due to have treatment for prostate cancer in the new year. Just hope i haven't set my sights a bit high!! X
you can do it if you put your mind to it hun, anyway even if you dont complete the whole 5k even giving it a go is more than most would do!
question time lol with sw online do you need a starter pack or is all the information you need on the site in regards to the new hex's etc.. ? Im thinking of joining online for a bit probably continue for the duration or at least 6 months but still get the new food directory(unless this isnt needed either?), dont really want to also fork out 20-30 quid for the starter pack if i can help it so what do you think is best?

Hey hun all the info you need is online, you can download all the stuff, I'm only using a bronze membership and I can fid all the info I need online x
Good for you Jo, if you have a smartphone maybe download the c25k app, I've heard nothing but good things, and am about to get myself out to start week 2 day 1 as we speak! Will report back (if I am alive later on haha!!) xxx
Ooh Laura you are going to be knackered this month. Yay for back on track scarlet.

Got weigh in tomorrow morning, not looking forward to another gain. First day 100% has gone ok. I'm on about 8 for the day so far (need to check my food diary. I have only had two dashes of my milk so I might syn it and use cheese as my hea. Not had my heb yet either. And after finding something nice to do for tea for Mrs i-want-something-special-in-new-years and defrosting the salmon she decided she wants cheese, and because of the marinade I cant make it for one, and it'd mean i was making two meals all week. I might do some LM sausages, sw chips and salad for tea. Boring but it is easy for just one.

Looking forward to my first 100% week weigh in next week!

Jo you can do it :) it doesn't have to be running the whole way if you cant manage it and your dad will be so proud. A man on my road was treated for prostate cancer this past year. And he is doing grand now. He is still a knobhead but he is much better (in health)
Hey hun all the info you need is online, you can download all the stuff, I'm only using a bronze membership and I can fid all the info I need online x

Thanks hun thats all I need to know, 60 quid for 3 months of online membership is alot better than nearly 60 quid for the pack and directory lol plus my bro will pay 20 of that for my birthday. Its worth paying so I can do it properly as its been 4 months and ive just been losing and gaining the same 7lb which just aint cutting it! I need to really crack down and I think having to pay out money each month to it will help as I dont really have the money to waste by failing lol plus being able to check syns will really help
Im in a very determined mood now lol I think I will weigh tomorrow then go pop some money in the bank before work and sign up straight away so Wednesdays will be my wi day, fresh start for the new year! and I will even make myself a packed lunch on saturday for my aunties birthday party so I can stay on track! Also will hopefully pick up some weights on thursday and then start shred after my few days at my mums for my birthday
Well ladies I did it, and am now back from week 2 day 1 (after a very long break since week 1 haha) of c25k and... I. Am. Knackered!!! Genuinely felt sick half way round haha, but I have to say I'm really pleased I went, and feel great for having done it!! Looking forward to getting on with the shred tomorrow, and cooking something yum for tea for me and the parents!!

Thinking I should have maybe a bowl of veg soup to get my super free up for the day, as only had a little bit with lunch and none with breaky!! Xxx
well done camz lol i know i wouldnt be able to do that for a long time
exactly and you wont feel that way forever it will get easier, its so worth it
Anyone watching the programme on channel 5 about diets and weight loss? Ive just put on +1 Really interesting, but have a feeling there are going to be some ridiculous facts included haha! Hoping it manages to put me off Lindor chocolate and Ferraro rocher for life haha!! Xx