20 somethings

haha those programs never put me off anything otherwise id watch allsorts to put me off fast food and takeaways lol
Well done those doing C25K! I nearly completed the program last year, well I managed to get up to 20 minutes running. Then annoyingly i stopped :( Starting all over again from tomorrow though! xx
good luck jo
i think i will start using the treadmill a few times a week aswell to get me started before shred
I've just done an hour of yoga and off to bed now. I'm just going to try to do yoga most days after jack is asleep as it's not too strenuous and shouldn't cause me to STS or gain water weight hopefully. I just want to strengthen my core and improve my posture, which will hopefully make me look a bit slimmer :) Once I get to target i will do the 30 day shred again to tone up. Only 19lbs to target so don't want exercise slowing down my weight loss!

Well dont to those doing C25K, I was going to start it before but never got round to it. Might have a go in the summer when the wether's a bit better :) xx
Well done Laura! And good luck Jo it took me so many restarts of it to actually just get out an do it. What actually really pushed me in the end to finish it last year is that my dad did it. That definitely inspired me and made me realise that if he can do it I can! Just like losing weight, really had to get into the right frame of mind to do it properly. Enjoy running now. Well moreso the feeling after I get back ha. Can't beat it!

Ladies I finally did it, was on plan today! Probably had a bit too much free food but I stopped at 15 syns :D
Thanks Ciara!

Night ladies, early one for me :) xxx

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night camz x
Well done Ciara. I finished at 8.5 syns, but after over syns yesterday and vastly over on my birthday I'm expecting a gain. Excited to be returning to my weekly losses again. So strange, I've had another friend rejoin SW now and attributed it to me. But she did go on to say a nurse scared the crap out of her by offering to put her on the waiting list for a gastric band. She didn't want that and she knows SW can work long term. She said she couldn't believe my before and after photos and had her first proper day back on plan today. I feel like a SW pusher!!! haha. So now I really really need to kick my own ass.

Wow Sammy, a full hour! I can't believe how close you are to target, it's amazing.

You girls are brilliant with all your exercise.

here's to feeling less tired ALL the time, and sleeping before 2am.
Morning ladies, good luck with WI Fran, if you're anything like me you will be looking forward to getting the potential gain out of the way and getting back to it??

I've just had a mullerlight and am about to get changed and do my first day of the 30 day shred! Here's to a skinny minny me haha! Xxx

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Go Laura! Makes me yawn just thinking about it! Haha x

Good luck for weigh in Fran! Sounds a bit stressful at home at the mo, hope you can get sorted in the other place soon. X

Not sure if I'll have the time or energy for shred this week, but as of Monday the boys are back at school (was lovely to see them this morning, they were happy to see me too :) ) so I'm going to try the shred on alternate days along with some specific pre ski exercises on the in between days. I remember the pain of the muscle aches last time from skiing as I had no idea what to expect but I'd like to think I know better this year! So excited! 18days! X
Thanks girls, just finished day 1...it was tricky but I managed, so I'm pleased :)

Going to the shop for bacon butty and carbonara ingredients in a sec...I bloody love this diet!!!! Xxx
Fresh start for me today, moneys in the bank ready for me to sign up online and got my ingredients for my casserole for tonight just having some fruit before I go to work :/ after pretty much 3 weeks of scoffing my new start weight today is 18st1.5lb so from here on im being very good and im gunna start planning meals ahead as I usially just see what takes my fancy in the shop and that gets me into trouble!
Good luck lovely :) I'm sure you will do great!! Xxx

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Good luck to those weighing in! was gonna re-start C25K but i've came on today and pains are so bad so that will have to wait. Ordered some dresses online and bought myself some nice Yankee candles in the Christmas sales. Now to find something light for dinner as feeling a bit sick at the mo. Hope u all have a good day x
Good luck lovely :) I'm sure you will do great!! Xxx

Thanks hun I feel alot better about it this year and more positive than I did before, and with my new cooking toys I will enjoy cooking alot more :)
Best. Diet. Ever xx

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