20 somethings

Morning girls, sorry I disappeared, have had a bit of a drama lol, have lots to catch up on and missed a lot!! Well done everyone on the losses and hope everyone is doing well, my drama is so silly, basically 2 days ago I fancied myself as a bit of a beauty expert and waxed my own eyebrows, all went well but they were a bit sore, anyway I did my fake tan last night, got out the shower and I was all burnt and blistering in between my eyebrows!!! And I'm going out tonight so was very very stressed!!! Used savlon which was knacking so my friends lad came round an brought me some burn cream and it's looking all better this morning! What a drama queen I am!!!!! I tried to cover it with make up this morn and this was the result, me last night and me this morn! X


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ScarlettStar86 said:
Oh gosh jess that looks so sore! Looks much better this morning, wouldn't know unless you said with the make up on. Where you going tonight? Hope its a good one! X

Got my birthday night out! Drink drink and more drink and maybes a kebab hahaha :D x
Oh no looks sore, hope it gets better soon jess, good coverup though, make sure you enjoy your night tonight and your drunk kebab! X
CH2b said:
Oh no looks sore, hope it gets better soon jess, good coverup though, make sure you enjoy your night tonight and your drunk kebab! X

Thanks Christie! I would burn my bloody face right before my night out haha!! What would we do without make up?!?! X
Ouch Jess!! Have a great night out and enjoy the kebab ;) x
Ouch Jess that looks sore!

Been a bit manic in work this morning plus someone's dumped a bloody big tin of Roses on my desk! Will resist.

Just came to brush my teeth after my yoghurt and brought a fork instead of a toothbrush. Helpful!
Claree__x said:
Ouch Jess that looks sore!

Been a bit manic in work this morning plus someone's dumped a bloody big tin of Roses on my desk! Will resist.

Just came to brush my teeth after my yoghurt and brought a fork instead of a toothbrush. Helpful!

Hahahaha sorry I can't stop laughing at this, a fork instead of a toothbrush!! What are you like?!?! And yes!!! Resist those naughty roses, whoever put them there needs shot haha!
And thanks girls! Pretty sure il enjoy the kebab :p
I didn't even want the embarrassment of going back in so I didn't bother brushing them (I brush in the morning though, I'm not disgusting!) lol. I think I'm just obsessed with food!
Resisted the roses. Feel like I'm getting the cold though :(

Making pasta & sauce for lunch - I had no idea it took this long!! Better be worth it lol.

Still syn free so considering a cheeky wee digestive this afternoon. Worth it I think!
I know :( jenna just happened to reply to a thread I replied to which is why I spied her.

Mum saw a lady from group today in Tesco (with a basket full of twix bars and bread) and after saying im doing really well she said nate drives my consultant mad. Now I'm wondering if i should stop going when my countdown runs out. But then I guess if it was such a problem she'd just tell me wouldn't she?

Well done for resisting the roses! That's some will power! I've not thought of lunch yet. Eep. Still full enough from breakfast though really
I wouldnt stop going because of that, like you said if it bothered her then she would say something to you not to others, if you want to know for sure just ask her x
Fran don't you dare stop going! If it's a problem then the consultant should tell you. Maybe this woman's picked her up wrong (could have said it jokingly) or maybe this daft bint is annoyed by him and just making excuses!
Well she went on to say they all miss him when he isnt there (mum's watched him twice for me). It's something I'm always conscious of though. He does scream or shout. he claps when everyone claps and laughs when everyone laughs, but he does run about a lot. Yesterday he was standing on the scales (not when anyone was on them or waiting to go on, it wasn't plugged into the pda, he did start putting the big plastic signs all together (he likes putting pike with like). I do worry he is a pest but I have no one to look after him. I'll keep going until the c says something, then i'll stop.