20 somethings

haha, I love the banana and custard ones too. I have to battle to get near them though!
Im not too keen on mullers really, I just buy the shape rhubarb mmmm yummy
How have I not found these mint chocolate ones?! I've only got 3 Greek coconut ones in the fridge at the moment but we desperately need to do a food shop. Usually I have one over my Bran Flakes instead of milk.

I've just realised I have a work Christmas meal on Friday - it's all come round so quickly! I have one at lunchtime and then I'm meeting the OH for his in the evening (but I'm only eating at mine).

Wondering what to do with out leftover roast chicken. I think the OH wants it all for sandwiches but I'd like to make a risotto or curry or something. He's still got half a jug of bread sauce to get through!

Midweek weigh is suggesting not much of a loss this week - I'm a quarter of a pound down at most. Boo.
Emily you've done stunningly well so don't worry if you don't get a huge loss this week :) Why not halve the chicken? half for sandwiches half for risotto. Or hide the chicken. I regularly have to hide food from my dad. Bit sad I have to hide food from him, but if I don't he just eats the whole lot. mostly with bananas and pickles at the moment, it was yogurts for a while but he's stopped that now hence the huge stock pile! Either that or he eats it, we don't have the ingredients for the meals, then mum gets really angry and the house is a big stressball. It's like having a very greedy child. He's scoffing all the cheese at the moment, but he won't eat the less expensive cheese so i'm not buying anymore.
Morning all, it's a damp dark morning here. Busy week this week not looking forward to it. Black cat crossed my path this morning thought I was in for some luck. I have dice then dropped al my change ad I missed my pocket, not feeling too hopeful for a lucky day
I saw a 10 on the scales! Only just, only 10st 13 and 3/4 but it's a 10! I won't see that at WI this week, but I'll take it for now. :)

Wow that's brilliant, well done you!! xx
Sorry I've been AWOL. I decided, having not drank alcohol since July, it'd be a good idea to start doing jägerbombs on Saturday night. It wasn't. Felt okay yesterday but my hangover seems to be delayed by a day, woke up at 3am worrying about feeling sick - even though I didn't feel sick - then woke up with the alarm, feeling sick!

Decided I'm going to maintain (hopefully) till Xmas and start again in the new year.
Yay Emily that's fab!
Welcome back Clare! Jagerbombs are never a good idea lol!

Has anyone seen or heard from jess or Mandy lately? I know they both had quite a lot going on but not seen even a peep from either for a while now :( hope they are both ok! Xx

Not on here nope :( I liked Frylight on Facebook a couple of weeks ago though when Jess mentioned it, and I seen her takeover posts on there last week x
Ooh a delayed hangover, you must have been drunk!

Ooh Emily! A 10! That's fab. I will cross my fingers for you to see it on Wednesday.

Scarlet, I messages Jess last week. She got the same sickness as her girls on top of everything else but her OH was looking after her. I hope she feels on form again soon. Last I heard from mandy was about her daughter auditioning for bgt so being rushed off her feet. Hopefully things will have calmed down in the new year.
ok have been awol again and hold my hands up to not have caught up on posts coz i'm about 20 pages behind.

I'm doing well although am feeling sad as i just quit my job :( just can't cope with it with the pregnancy and seizures. I am still loosing weight weighed yesterday at 14 st 7lb but have moved my weigh in to friday so will weigh again then. I have however apparently developed a bump I personally just think its fat but apparently you can tell i have lost weight, when in baggy clothes and from the side, but i have a clear pregnancy bump from the front this is according the MIL, altho a friend did coment that i had lost weight on saturday. Also apparently the neighbours eldest boy could tell i was pregnant. Looks like i'm going to be huge which if fine by me if huge is just growing into the skin already there.

hope you are all well.
Oh bless her hope she is better soon.

Yeah I saw mandy talking about her daughters auditon so maybe she's still busy with that. Hope they come back to us soon x

I'm currently ironing as the clothes come out the dryer, having a sit down whilst I wait for the next load!
I've got my 8 week hospital discharge review appointment this afternoon which I'm not really looking forward to, lung function tests, chest xrays etc but at least it means I can leave work at half 2 and go straight home when I'm done. The hospital is a good half hour drive away and the route goes past Gatwick airport so hopefully I'll be out before rush hour or it will take ages to get home! Can't wait to get home to my Christmassy house :)
Oh sweets, so long as you are looking after yourself. I was naughty in my pregnancy and carrying heavy things etc, I realise now I could have relaxed a bit!

Scarlet I hope the appointment goes well. It doesn't sound very nice at all :( other than going home early, that sounds awesome.

Nate's soon to have his nap then I have a few jobs (birds, laundry, washing) to get on with until the workman goes for his lunch and I can prepare tea then. The dog's off to the hairdressers today too, so he's going to look better! Poor mop.
Not a happy bunny, was woken early this morning by a phone call from a limo hire company in cardiff, why are they ringing me when ive never had any contact with them before!!
Oh Clare! Jagerbombs are the devil's drink, I'm sure! I was very very sick at my birthday a couple of years ago because I decided to have a jagerbomb on top of a bottle of wine... Not a pleasant experience! The plan to maintain sounds good. I think I'll struggle to relax plan over Christmas because my mind will be telling me how many syns are involved! I'm hoping I don't go all or nothing over it...

Scarlett, I hope hospital goes okay. Those tests don't sound like a lot of fun! Fingers crossed that you make it out before rush hour too. Yay for Christmassy house! I've just put my tortoise away for hibernation which means we can move the furniture around and put the Christmas tree up! Yayyyy!

Sweet - that must have been a really tough decision, but for what it's worth it sound like the right one. I've always looked forward to having a bump. My mum said she used to rest her cup and saucer on me! The OH keeps pointing out cute babies wherever we go - it makes me nervous when HE'S the one that seems broody! Well done on the weight loss!

Fran - thanks for the update on Jess. I hope she and Mandy reappear soon!
aww, sleep tight mr tortoise! Hopefully Star will be less busy too :)

Had soup today and feel SO full. Oof. yummy though.

I think I am the same as you Emily. Too severely brainwashed! haha. Oh and my friend's OH used to be crazily broody over Nate. She told me he used to go onto her account so he could see pictures of him! I have privacy settings so only friends can see my photos/posts etc. Nuts.
Bleedin' heck! I was thinking about having bean on toast for lunch but we only have thick white bread in - at 6 syns a slice! I don't think I can justify it!