20 somethings

Glad everyone had a good day :) Ciara you are so good going for a run despite being tired! Scarlet, that's crazy they can't look after themselves properly for a week. That said I totally avoid ironing unless it is something that has to be ironed! You lucked out with the spare car seats. How are the boys' behaviour now things are back to normal? I hope they were good.Christie, I've not had it but a lady in my group makes it from normal mash and it goes down well. Pretty upset that co-op changed their recipe so they are no longer a heb, but excited I have an old pack in the freezer. I always used them to make pitta bread pizza, the Asda ones are still a heb (just the wholemeal ones) so that is worth a go for sure.We have had a good day. Vacuumed the lounge, sorted washing and dishwashers, did sponge painting with Nate and tea was delicious! Nate had seconds AND he ate the meat! Didn't go on a walk as it kept threatening to rain, but I'll be walking to toddler's and back tomorrow. So uneventful other than Nate learnt a new word (purple) he said fox and dragon yesterday and is almost saying zebra.Another 100% day too, so I am chuffed. It is a red day too!
My OH is having a pie tonight that is 34 syns all on its own! Top that with mash made with butter and full fat mayo plus garlic brussel sprouts cooked in butter. It's a wonder he's not the size of a house! It'll all start sticking one day.

I've never made Smash pizza but I hear it's addictive! I have a tub of it in my cupboard to use instead of breadcrumbs so if it works for you I may give it a go!

All that ironing, Scarlett! I would be too ashamed to leave that for anyone, even if I was paying them to do it! Glad the rest of your day went alright though.

I just 'cooked' my dinner for 35 mins only to discover I'd turned the oven on but not the temperature. Doh!
aww never lol ive done that before now emily not good when your hungry haha

i will let you know how the pizza goes tomorrow, im adding garlic powder to the base to give a bit more flavour too

i have only used 5 syns today so thats 2 100% days done out of the 10 100% days til my birthday :) still havent felt the need to dip into my dessert platter in the freezer that are all 3 syns each and are for when i get a chocolate craving
Hello ladies how are you all?

Camz how was your first day back. Always the hardest!!

I had first day on placement today. Finished late. Great start!

The diets been going really well---if I've been doing right. Do you girls ensure you have syns? I am a little naughty with that....I'm so focused on what's good etc!! X
Have you been having any syns at all? i think the main reason they say to hav at least 5 is so you dont end up feeling deprived of nice things and end up having a pig out
btw does anyone know how i can make this huge empty signature box smaller until i have something worth writing in it again? lol
The chicken and tarragon thing is absolutely free! I made it last week and it was GORGEOUS!

I love this diet. I've just had a small bowl of Haagen Dazs chocolate, pralines and caramel for 6 syns! It feels so naughty but it's totally in my allowance!
Hey Guys,

Just found this thread, im 23 so hope you dont mind me joining in. have just started back on slimming wold, its going okay although have gone over my syns with dinner this evening, as had two wholemeal rolls with the burgers i made and salad, forgetting the fun size maltesers i had had this morning, will just start again tomorrow i guess. How is everyone getting on, on there weightloss journeys?
welcome misshappy! of course we dont mind you joining :)

I restarted on the 2nd after not doing so well on sw before xmas but im more determined now, hopefully you will get the hang of remembering the syns youve already had so you dont end up with too many again, had you already had the maximum heb's?
Hi ladies! Been to weigh in and I've had my first gain in the 6 and a half months since I joined SW.... I gained half a pound! I'm not really bothered though as it had to happen some time and I know with the stomach issues I've been having this week and the bloating that it will be down to that, so will just stick to plan 100% and hopefully have a massive loss next week, REALLY want to be able to say that i've lost 5 and a half stone when I go back to work so I have 2 weigh ins to get there :)

Smash pizza is nice, comes out nice and crispy. If you do small ones though then dont overload them with toppings or they'll break! Smash is also great as a breadcrumb substitute too, I use it to make my own version of KFC :) xx
welcome misshappy! of course we dont mind you joining :)

I restarted on the 2nd after not doing so well on sw before xmas but im more determined now, hopefully you will get the hang of remembering the syns youve already had so you dont end up with too many again, had you already had the maximum heb's?

I forgot how many syns they were, when not using them as a heb, yes i had weetabix for breakfast and skimmed milk for my hea. How are you getting on this time round?
Ah sammy, I think you'll survive a half lb! hope your tummy stops playing up soon! 5 stone less after you've been on maternity leave is stunning enough! It's a good job you have seen them since losing weight else they'd not know who you were!

Hi Miss happy *waves*

Christie, love the new photo, it looks like you're about to choke him. tee hee.

Hey Sam. LOVE my syns. nom nom, sausages, vermouth, cornflour and chocolate today! If you didn't know the SW plan and saw my food you wouldn't think I deserved to lose weight!
Hi ladies! Been to weigh in and I've had my first gain in the 6 and a half months since I joined SW.... I gained half a pound! I'm not really bothered though as it had to happen some time and I know with the stomach issues I've been having this week and the bloating that it will be down to that, so will just stick to plan 100% and hopefully have a massive loss next week, REALLY want to be able to say that i've lost 5 and a half stone when I go back to work so I have 2 weigh ins to get there :)

Smash pizza is nice, comes out nice and crispy. If you do small ones though then dont overload them with toppings or they'll break! Smash is also great as a breadcrumb substitute too, I use it to make my own version of KFC :) xx

For that to be your first gain in over 6 months is amazing, im sure your have a loss next wekk!! Just had a look at your stats and you are doing so well, well done!!!! looking at them is giving me hope that i will achieve my targets this time round!!!! Am aiming for a two stone loss by june as got a holiday, and dont want to be as big as i am now
I forgot how many syns they were, when not using them as a heb, yes i had weetabix for breakfast and skimmed milk for my hea. How are you getting on this time round?

im doing much better had an off day sat for my aunties birthday party but been 100% every other day so much better than before, i didnt even count syns before and always had 2 hea and 2 heb regardless of what plan i was doing that day so it was no wonder i was doing horribly lol
im doing much better had an off day sat for my aunties birthday party but been 100% every other day so much better than before, i didnt even count syns before and always had 2 hea and 2 heb regardless of what plan i was doing that day so it was no wonder i was doing horribly lol

Whens your weigh in?