20 somethings

Take a step back Hun give ya self some space maybe write down why ure stressed and ow else it can be solved without choc. Also go over why your doing this and how far you've come. Get that control back x

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Thank you. I'm going to have a muller light and some strawberries. Then go to bed. Works just rubbish and getting me down. Xx
Jo gave great advice there. Working out why you are stressed and how to resolve it will empower you more than chocolate which'll just make you feel a bit queasy.

Thanks Jo hun. To be honest I feel so good now that anything down from here will be grand. I saw my brother at 4-4.5 stone loss (had my 4 working towards 4.5) when i started uni my bmi was 44 (i was an inch taller and about 19.5 stone) then I saw my friends Beth and Becky 2 years ago between 20 and 21 stone and 5'5" (sob) so to go back in my 14s or even 13s will be pretty amazing.

I hope dad sitting goes well Jo hun. I think getting lots of meals cooked up is a good idea. That way you can be with your dad but not make him feel fussed over. He is probably grouchy at fussing by now.
Jo gave great advice there. Working out why you are stressed and how to resolve it will empower you more than chocolate which'll just make you feel a bit queasy.

Thanks Jo hun. To be honest I feel so good now that anything down from here will be grand. I saw my brother at 4-4.5 stone loss (had my 4 working towards 4.5) when i started uni my bmi was 44 (i was an inch taller and about 19.5 stone) then I saw my friends Beth and Becky 2 years ago between 20 and 21 stone and 5'5" (sob) so to go back in my 14s or even 13s will be pretty amazing.

I hope dad sitting goes well Jo hun. I think getting lots of meals cooked up is a good idea. That way you can be with your dad but not make him feel fussed over. He is probably grouchy at fussing by now.

It is amazing fran, you are amazing :) everyone will be wondering who you are ;)

Thanks me too, he is pretty up and down so just about judging it every day really. Your prob right about the fussing doesn't help that it's quite a personal thing so only so much I can do to help :) x

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You are doing so well Fran

Try to make some time for yourself if you can Jo as you need to keep yourself well as its much easier to catch something when you're run down

I am so tired but glad this week is over. TOTM started today so I have had awful back ache, bloating and cramps all day but I haven't resorted to chocolate instead I had fruit to hit my cravings for sweet food whilst necking ibuprofen. I almost feel like getting back in to the 14's is impossible so am doing my best to eat as well as I can as damage limitation
Haha Jo I think they will still recognise me, I do put up photos on fb every now and then, and my family will know because I will be with my parents. My other brother and niece might be coming too but I have made it clear I'm only looking after my son, I'm not being left with the kids while my brother goes on the piss.

Yep, my neighbour was telling me all about post op treatment the other month. They share too much here! I'm sure if you bring him cups of tea and food he'll be pretty happy. Fussing is nice for about half an hour, then you start wanting to kill people. Does he have any hobbies?

Well done for resisting star :) you can get into the 14s! We can do it together!
Found out today that ohs grandad may have cancer and they have said possibly just 3 months left :/ ive never met his grandad or any of his cousins from london yet and now at the end of april we may have to go to london instead of newcastle to go see him, I feel nervous about meeting them all as it is without it being under those circumstances! I hate to sound selfish but id rather him go down a different time without me as I couldnt even put myself through seeing my grandad before he died and would feel bad that I could go see someone I dont even know but not someone I really cared about :(
Oh ch that's awful I'm so sorry. Just try to be there for OH, it's going to be hard, there's no way around it, it will be awful, but you have to support him. We're all here for you if it gets too much, just take it one step at a time and keep giving OH cuddles :)

My OHs mum has been going through cancer ops etc since sept and its been awful, the gp refused to come out to her over Christmas and she ended up in a coma on dialysis. Luckily she's on the men's now, after a few more ops. She's not got the all clear but she looks so much better. My grandad has Parkinson's and with work I don't get to go see him that much and its killing me, espeshially as trying to support my OH with his mum. I don't have that many friends where I live now so I'm struggling with that too!

Thank you for the advice ladies, I was good last night and had fruit and muller light and an early night. Its work that's the main stressor at the moment, luckily things with OH are going well atm so he's being very supportive and helpful. I have an interview in the next couple of weeks so hopefully things will get better.

Wow fran, your amazing! You really are an inspiration :) xxxxx
Need to catch up on what you've all been up to but I'm too excited to read right now.

I AM MOVING TO FLORIDA! AHHHHHHHHH! I got a job with Disney starting in January 2014 for a whole year :D


That's amazing, details now girl!!!

I love Disney x
Christie, that is awful news. Clare said it all really, try to be there for your OH, he'll probably need you quite a lot. And remember that being down there isn't an insult to your grandad, you and he knew how much you love him.

Clare, how exciting to have an interview. Sounds like you are taking steps to change what you don't like in your life for the better :) and I'm totally not an inspiration, I'm just bloody stubborn :)

Jenna I'm so happy for you. Oh! You will have sunshine for a whole year!!!
Jenna that is amazing very happy for u!

ch that's horrible news hope everything works out ok, and like everyone has said just be there for your oh,

change of subject ladies but has everyone had a smear test and has anyone had abnormal results before? I know it's very unlikely to be the big c but have received a letter saying I have cin3 severe dyskaryosis so have to go for more tests and treatment soon, just wondering what to expect and don't wanna look it up and read horror stories and worry myself for no reason so was just wondering if any of you ladies have been through it.
I haven't but I have had friends who have. One had to have some laser treatment to kill the cells but she said that it honestly wasn't that bad. The worst thing for her was the sex ban to reduce the risk of infection afterwards but I asked her to tell me truthfully and she said it was fine, a little uncomfortable but not painful at all. then her next smear was totally normal so it did the trick xx
I have had a few smear tests along with many internal examinations and internal ultrasound because I was getting bleeding all the time for no reason and I was in the age group when you were offered them in your early 20s before they raised the age.

Anyway it turned out I had a growth on my cervix. It was uncomfortable and painful when they were removing it as they basically scraped it off and with no pain killer or anesthetic but honestly it wasn't unbearable because it was a short op, I was a bit sore for the next few days but it was worth it.

My old neighbour had an abnormal result and then had the same treatment as Scarletts friend and she was really nervous about it as automatically she thought the worst but afterwards she said it was fine and when they did her next smear to check a few months later everything was normal again.

Mostly though its great to hear you went in the first place as none of my friends have had one due to embarrassment. As always we're here if needed x
Muzza, my friend's cousin had the exact same experience as scarlet's friend. And her sister had slight abnormality and just had to have another smear and that came back normal. My friend's cousin did do the huge panic thing, but it was absolutely fine.

Star your friends are silly. Mine was after I had Nate though so you get used to whipping your bits out for everyone to have a prod. Do they not realise they see LOADS of fannys? Honest i think drs and nurses must all be pervs: if it isn't a fanny, bum, or Willy it is a boil or something stinky. Mad, the lot of 'em.
Yeah thanks guys I wasn't worried at all just abit annoyed that I have to go through the awkwardness of it all again and then I read the letter properly and it's not very nicely worded cos it's cin3 it's one of the most severe and says you probably don't have cancer but you might (along those lines) haha lovely way to put it ey,

im sure everything will be fine just wanna get the appointment for hospital through now so I know. Hate waiting

thanks again ladies xx
I think its so silly when people put them off, its such a simple procedure and is so good at picking up any little thing. I'm sure it will be nothing to worry about muzza xx

I got really cross the other day though watching embarrassing bodies, they were doing a street survey of young women and if they have been for smears and one woman said "I've been invited a few times but I haven't taken them up on it as I've never had any issues in that area, there's nothing wrong" made me fume! I was shouting at the tv "oh so you've checked out your own cervix under a microscope then have you?! Have you?!" Mike was a bit scared haha! Its something I feel so strongly about though, its so simple, how many 2 minute procedures could save your life?
I can understand that Muzza as its not the best wording,well remember you have age on your side and let us know how you get on. It is embarrassing and awkward but just one of those many things us ladies have to do

Fran yep they're idiots, its not like the Doc/nurse even cares what they look like as you say they've seen loads. And they're trying to get pregnant so what do they expect will happen when they're giving birth!