20 somethings

Might try a HM burger actually. Not feeling very hungry atm and its nearly 5 o clock here so I might just do a giant omelette instead.. As I said to one of the girls, I've love to dive head deep into a bag of doughnuts but what good would it do me? I'd feel awful about it so that ain't happening!

Treated myself to a light denim top instead and a little pink string top underneath it.. I'm not eating but my poor bank balance will be taking a battering instead!!! :D
Retail therapy is always good! I tried a top on yesterday and it looked like maternity wear and a dress 2 sizes smaller than the top and it fit! :s
Retail therapy is always good! I tried a top on yesterday and it looked like maternity wear and a dress 2 sizes smaller than the top and it fit! :s

Fran, some clothes are funny. I'm larger busted and it drives me mad buying tops a size bigger to accomodate the girls! But my mum always told me if you don't like the label, cut it off!
Fran, some clothes are funny. I'm larger busted and it drives me mad buying tops a size bigger to accomodate the girls! But my mum always told me if you don't like the label, cut it off!

I'm the same! It more bothers me than fashion doesn't allow for women that have smaller waists and big boobs though - unless you want to look like some sort of porn star of course :eek:
Aww congratulations Sammy! X
View attachment 126667 uploading for sam x hope it works lol

Hi ladies, thank you so much for the congratulations, we're so pleased to have him here. He gave me a bit of a rough ride compared to Jack, but he was 9lbs 7oz and 22.5 inches long so quite a bit bigger than jack who was 7lbs 8oz and 21 inches long. He decided to go back to back and after 28 hours of contractions I was still stuck at 4cm so they broke my waters and then I had him 2 hours 10 minutes later. It was intense and at one point the midwife was worried he was going to get trapped with his shoulders but I managed to get him out and got a 2nd degree tear, which will heal. The main thing is that he's ok. He had us worried for a bit as he didn't have a wee so hospital wouldn't discharge us, but he finally did one right at the moment they had given him a deadline for, otherwise he would have had to have blood and ultrasound tests to make sure he didn't have any conditions. He knows how to make us worry!

Anyway, I asked christie to upload a pic as this app still wont let me upload one. Hoping I'll get in here a bit more often now that I'm going to be trying to lose weight again, though how much time I'll have with my two boys now remains to be seen! :) xx

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Aww congrats again, he's gorgeous!
Sorry you had a hard time, hope you recover well xxx
Thanks so much ladies! I'm ashamed to say I gained over 3 and a half stone throughout the pregnancy, though a stone of that has gone already now and hoping a bit more will go throughout the week. Going to start eating SW friendly tomorrow, I loved doing green days when I was breastfeeding jack as I got to feel full (which was great as I was constantly starving) and got a ridiculous amount of healthy extras to use, which was also great as I loved milk and I do again at the moment so I'll be able to make sure baby boy is getting plenty of calcium whilst still losing weight :) I will get back to being a yummy mummy! One thing that has amazed me.is my stomach and how quickly it's gone down. I was absolutely huge and in less than 2 days its just disappeared! Not as lovely as before I was pregnant, but a lot flatter than the huge bump I've been rocking the last few months, and a lot easier to get around with too! I gave ben a hug earlier and could actually stand against him and when I tucked jack in goodnight my belly didnt touch the side of the cot as I bent over it, which it usually does! Can't wait to start eating healthily again :) xx

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