25 bmi


Full Member
what happens when i reach a BMI of 25
LoL, but can I still SS?

Im not far off now!
No, you need to start coming back up the plans, so do a week of AAM, then one to two weeks of 790, 1000 etc. This way you won't regain your glycogen and water that you lost in the first week in one big lump, which could add 5-6 lbs to your weight if you stop SSing and go straight back to eating.

You have to stop at 25, as you don't have enough fat to carry on SSing and what will happen is that your body will burn it's lean muscle mass, which is not a good thing.

Don't be frightened of coming off SS, I lost my last half stone going up through the plans and got to my goal, you'll still be dieting, right up to around the 1500 cals when your weight will start to stabilise.