2nd week result


Full Member
So today is my 2nd weigh-in day and I've lost 2.5 lbs this week so 7 lb in total in 2 weeks. I already feel better (jeans not tight around the waistband!) so I'm really confident about achieving what I want with the help of Diet Chef.

By the way, I have a Diet Chef food hamper from QVC and there are 4 meal kits in it. I used one last weekend and thought it looked a lot when I cooked it, so split it between two days. I plan to do another one tonight but when I looked at what I had to buy to add to it, it said 2 chicken breasts. 2! Nowhere on the pack (or in the information booklet that came with the hamper) does it say how many servings to meal kit will make. I assumed it was 1, given every other meal or snack in the hamper serves 1. I called Diet Chef and they told me the meal kits do serve 2 people. I told them they have to put that on the packaging otherwise people are going to think "this diet is great, I'm allowed to eat all this in one meal" and wonder why they aren't losing weight!!
Woo! Half a stone in 2 weeks.
That's amazing well done! :)

I'm hoping for the same but I'll need a 3lb loss. Ate loads of pasta last night and drunk a bottle of wine, so got some serious Nintendo wii-ing to do later!

Had the first food I wast so keen on yesterday - lentil and vegetable soup. It was edible but pretty bland, and had the texture of baby food. I'm just glad that wasn't the first thing I tried on this diet cos I'd have been like "oh no, what the heck have I signed up to here!?"
Lizfitz, just keep to it and you'll see results I'm sure! I'm not a great fan of processed food but this is a means to an end and actually most of it tastes pretty good. I'm off to the cinema later to see Warhorse (tissues at the ready!) and will take a packet of Diet Chef popcorn! Good luck and report in on how you're getting on!
Topcat7000 - I was worried about the processed aspect too but my understanding from researching this further is that it's not processed (as such). The fresh ingredients are pressure cooked in the packets to keep the bacteria out and thats why they have a long shelf life. It sort of ends up looking processed but the ingredients are all healthy and natural. I actually feel really guilty giving my husband ready meals whilst I eat these scrummy healthy foods!

I weighed in today (my second week) and ive lost another 2lbs yay!!!
Goingforit, that's another great result! It's pretty motivating isn't it?! Thanks for your reply on the 'processed' food topic - good to read your response and I feel better about the food now! I'm overseas on business right now and had a business dinner last night. Unfortunately the menu was very restrictive so I chose the vegetarian option (not wanting veal or fish!) which was pasta with a bit of a creamy sauce. A glass of wine accompanied of course! Plus a little ice cream and fruit (although I left half the ice cream which seemed to be laced with alcohol!). So hope that didn't do too much damage and this morning I used my Diet Chef breakfast (and pre-washed blueberries that I'd also brought with me) and just had soup and salad for lunch. These business trips can be difficult to plan the food around but I am doing my best :))
Next weigh-in is Saturday so I'd be pleased just to keep losing, even if it's not much this week!!
Good to hear you're getting on so well right now too.
I have to go on quite a few training courses and they always have loads of nice sandwiches which usually I can resist pigging out on - I just cant help myself.

Anyways ive got a course on Monday so thought I would try one of the chicken couscous salads today, just to road test it as I know there wont be a microwave available.

I expected it would be a bit rubbish, given some of the comments on the diet chef forum, and in any case not fill me up, but.....

it was scrummy scrum scrums :) and made me feel satisfied even after half of it!
perfect for if you are on the move :)
Goingforit, seems like we will be constantly faced with temptation so my philosophy is once in a while at the moment doesn't hurt as long as it's in moderation! Right now, looking at my diary, I seem to have a 'danger day' every few weeks so I think I have enough time to still keep moving in the right direction.

Funny how you loved the chicken couscous salad - for me that was the worst thing I have tried on Diet Chef and both packs went in the bin as I just couldn't eat it! Suppose it's good we're all different :)) I'm not sure what I'm having for dinner tonight ... I will stick my hand in the box and see what I pull out!! :)
Well, I had my week 2 weigh in too, and lost another 3lbs! Which makes 8 in total. Just over half a stone :)
And I am especially happy since I was on a course 3 days this week - hotel breakfast alert - so even though it's less than week one, that's ok. Hopefully since I was eating relatively normally this week, a few days on DC and I'll see some more progress next week. I have a quiet weekend coming up, so at least I can "atone"!
Also, have you guys noticed less weight loss on days when you have the pasta dishes? I noticed the day after eating pasta I am static, or have even put on a few hundred grams (which is sooo depressing), but then another day later it drops twice as much. So it doesn't really bother me, since it all works out in the end and the variation is worth it.
Just wondering if this is just me, or anyone has any ideas? Water retention from durum wheat?
Rachyroo, stop weighing yourself so much - you'll become OBSESSED!

Actually to be honest I probably weigh myself everyday too, but don't read anything into the figures until weigh day :)

Great weight loss by the way. I've lost 6lbs in 2 weeks, but I think I've done really well this week. Hopefully the McDonald's breakfast I had today (ooops) doesnt ruin everything!

Hehe ... it's tempting to get on the scales every day isn't it? I've done it myself but now I'm trying to resist .. maybe just every other day :))
So I'm not sure about the pasta question, Rachyroo. Are you finding this easy to stick to? I think the food is pretty good on the whole (with a couple of exceptions of course!). I am expecting another month's supply of Diet Chef to arrive this week - I hope it does as I run out on Saturday!!