30 day fitness challenge - who's with me?

Day Twenty-Seven - 24/01/12
- Active: No exercise ball - didn't do
- Exercise: Kettleworx Core Week 1
- Flexibility: Do the exercises in this Yoga Workout after your cardio workout - not doing
- Nutritional: Make your lunch healthier - I already do this like use brown bread, salad, etc.
- Mind/Body: Done a few relaxing stretches in my Kettleworx cool down
- Food: Stayed within calories :)
- Kettleworx was alright today :)
Day 26
Active: Accumulate 10 mins extra walking
Exercise: 1 hour of step aerobics & 1 hour of Latino fit dancing
Flexibility: stretching exercises with step
Nutritional: huge fail! Eaten like a pig :( comfort eating :(
Mind/Body: 5-minute vacation - relaxation cd before bed
We're nearly done parfittaroles!

Day Twenty-Eight - 25/01/12
- Active: Didn't do the yoga stretches
- Exercise: Ten minute walk, Ten minute run, 5 minutes on stepper, Ten minutes on exercise bike
- Flexibility: Stretched after run
- Nutritional: Took snack calorie quiz. Had to guess amount of calories in each snack. Got most right that I actually eat unless it said a cup of X cos I weigh in grams or ounces so not used to cup sizes!
- Mind/Body: Take at least 5 minutes today to listen to your favorite song - lol don't see the point
- Food: Stayed within calories :)
- Started with C25K but couldn't finish again, think I am bored of running cos still had the energy for the stepper and bike?
Haha you're welcome :p
Day Twenty-Nine - 26/01/12
- Active: Accumulate at least 10 extra minutes of walking today - went shopping
- Exercise: Kettleworx Resistance Week 1
- Flexibility: Stretched in KW cool down.
- Nutritional: Had to change a snack that I have from yesterdays quiz so that it is healthier. I sometimes have crisps, but already it is the lower cal ones that I have now. If I have popcorn, I air pop it to cut down on cals. I make sure I weigh my portion of grapes cos they're easy to get through a lot quickly!
- Mind/Body: 5-minute meditation - rested a lot today. meditations not my thing lol
- Food: Stayed within calories :)
- Nothing too challenging today :)

Tomorrow is the last day :eek:
Day 27
- Active: done at the gym
- Exercise: 1 hour on the cross trainer
- Flexibility: Didn't do
- Nutritional: Make your lunch healthier - I do this anyway
- Mind/Body: didn't do
- Food: Stayed within calories :)
Bit of a tough day yesterday as I felt shattered. Even had a nap after work, which isn't like me at all!
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Might as well do day 30 update now seeing as you asked!

Day Thirty - 27/01/12
- Reflect: Take 30 mins to reflect on what you've accomplished and how you felt. Write about your experience with this challenge.
Hmmm. The challenges were pretty simple to go along with. Nothing too taxing. Oh apart from the going up and down the stairs!! Found out I wasn't a fan of yoga too. Found the nutrition challenges easiest I think cos I've already been trying to eat better since starting calorie counting. The main thing I learnt from this whole thing was that I could do a lot more than I thought. I am exercising most days now. Moving and walking a lot more. And feel fitter and healthier for it :)
- Celebrate - meant to plan a treat for finishing. To be honest, I just get what I want anyway lol, but my gym stuff is getting baggy :) Might get new ones soon!
- Exercise: C25K/Gym tonight
- Food: I will stay within calories :)
Day 28 (yesterday)

Your Active Challenge -While watching TV, get up every 30 minutes exercises - Did my own version, but made sure I did it every half an hour whilst in work & watching tv.

Your Exercise Challenge

Part One: light-medium cardio - 20 mins on the treadmill walking uphill
Part Two: lower body exercises for the glutes, hips and thighs - 20 mins on the cross trainer plus stretches

Your Flexibility Challenge - did my own

Your Nutrition Challenge - Test Your Snack Knowledge - I was surprisingly bad at this! I only got 4/10 but a lot of the food was things I don't eat, like nachos, chips (although I think they meant crisps), almonds & steak strips (I don't even know what that is!).

Your Mind/Body Challenge

Take at least 5 minutes today to listen to your favourite song - I play music to go to sleep too anyway
Well not that exactly, but I have an exercise plan sorted. 3 cardio sessions a week, 1 strength training and 3 kettleworx workouts. So hopefully will stick to that. Oh and gonna keep walking everywhere I can. I actually enjoy it :)
Your Active Challenge - Accumulate at least 10 minutes of extra walking today - me and a friend went for a 5 mile walk :)

Your Exercise Challenge - I'm afraid I didn't do any today as I went walking until 2pm, then did work 3 til 8:30 :( i'm gutted as my gym shuts at 8 on Saturday

Your Flexibility Challenge - did my own stretches just after dinner

Your Nutrition Challenge - Snack Makeover - the benefit of having to do assignments is that I forget to eat/drink/snack! just had main meals

Your Mind/Body Challenge - 5-Minute Meditation - I'll do this before bed!

Notes - not a very successful day! I have tons of Uni work to do but as I haven't had a day off exercise since Tuesday I was due a rest day! My long walk this morning made my legs ache (which is unusual as I often walk much further than that) so I reckon my body wanted a rest!
Bostik said:
Well not that exactly, but I have an exercise plan sorted. 3 cardio sessions a week, 1 strength training and 3 kettleworx workouts. So hopefully will stick to that. Oh and gonna keep walking everywhere I can. I actually enjoy it :)

Very impressive :) when will you rest?!
5 mile walk is brilliant!

I have been doing it for a week so far and been fine :) It's only like 30 mins a day so it's not too much to cope with :)