3rd Weigh-In


Full Member
Morning All

Another 2lbs off this week, making a total loss of 13lbs in 3 weeks :)

On target for my mini goal of 1 stone off in a month.

Hope everyone is doing okay x
That's great - well done! x

I had to "cheat" this morning for breakfast. I forgot my protein shaker to mix my shake in so had to opt for some Oats so Simple (made with water). Low on calories but high in carbs :(
I also had 1 day last week where i had run out of shakes so had a bit of special k. I know its bad but luckily it didnt affect my loss and I was straight back on it in the evening. I think sometimes we think its the end of the world but its not really, we just need to do whatever it takes to achieve the end goal :) Good luck for the coming week !
I think you are absolutely right - it's not the end of the world - it's not as if we had a bacon sarnie!!

Good luck to you too x
The bacon would be better though, less the bread :0).

I cheated the other day but with a salmon fillet so I'm justifying it as its less carbs than my shake!!

Good losses though x
Thanks Jess.

Bread, what's that?? lol!

I'm looking forward to 27th July when I'll be having my first night off CD and my first alcoholic drink in 40 days!

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

Wine has to wait or be a drink we give up. I love wine too but as it happens the hangovers I got from wine were that bad, I can give it up for a while!

I'm struggling this week. Had a stressful day today and went to the supermarket as it happens I bought some sliced turkey and ate that!
Wine has to wait or be a drink we give up. I love wine too but as it happens the hangovers I got from wine were that bad, I can give it up for a while!

I'm struggling this week. Had a stressful day today and went to the supermarket as it happens I bought some sliced turkey and ate that!

Yeah, wine hangovers are the pits! Alka Seltzer xcess is the cure!

Sliced turkey was a great choice saying you had a stressful day - well done! x