480lb....what happened to me?!

Well hello again everyone,

I can't believe another week has come around so quickly. I weighed this morning and have lost another 4lb so I am absolutely delighted. That's 19lb so far and even though I don't feel any different, I'm sure my knees will start thanking me soon.

A friend of mine came to see me a few days ago and I haven't seen her for months so it was brilliant to catch up with her. She is a very large lady too and needs to use a stick to walk with. I've told her all about mfp and calorie counting and she sounded very interested. We had a very frank conversation about the difficulties of being a super morbidly obese woman and I was able to give her some advice about some aids to help her with her personal care. I am still waiting to hear from the occ. health lady about some aids for my home. I hopefully will hear from her this week though.

I am suffering quite a bit from heartburn and indigestion and I am pretty sure it is all the bread I've been eating. I really need to cut it out or at least eat a lot less of it but I struggle for lunch time ideas that are as quick and easy as grabbing a sandwich. I love jacket potatoes so I could make a load and keep them in the fridge to use during the week. I guess I just have to get more organised. I'm making a stew next week and the leftovers will keep me in lunches for a couple of days, just have to eat it without the dipping bread though.

Well, I'm freezing my backside off so will love you and leave you for now. Hope you all have a great week, take care xx
Been following your thread and here to say hello. Well done on your weight so far, you must be over the moon x
Wow - another fantastic loss. Well done you!!

I'm a bread fan too, but I have to limit it because otherwise I go a bit mad for it :) !!
I've had a lot of soups for lunches recently and I've tried a couple of crackers, or ryvita thins can give me the crying/carb I want with it. Crackers can be 30-40 calls each so one or two don't hurt. The other thing I found today was the walburton thins - 97 calls for a thin (2 slices) which I toasted and went with my soup nicely!

I am sure you will feel benefits on your knees soon. It was my bad knees that first started me on my journey a year and a half ago. I really noticed benefit once I had list 10% and now over 8 stone lighter my knees are never sore and I can kneel down on the floor again, and run up stairs again!! You'll be there in no time xxxx
Well done again, another great loss!! :)

I used to get terrible heartburn every night, and took medication before bed. But since losing the weight, I don't get it at all. Wish I could say my knees had been fixed the same - they're just ruined, lol. I can barely walk at the moment, so I always beg people to look after their knees before it's too late! :) xx
Just here to follow and say hello! You're doing marvelously. I think bread can make life difficult for many of us as it seems to cause such cravings (probably because we digest bread carbs as sugar) - but it's so convenient we let it get away with murder! Limiting it is definitely a good idea, eg to one wharburtons thin per day as someone clever suggested above.

It's good to always have healthy snacks on hand so that when you're hungry you have something easy and convenient. Chopped up veggies that you like (eg carrots, red peppers) can be kept in a tub in the fridge ready chopped to have with eg a blue cheese dip or light salad cream.

Boiled eggs are another great snack if you like them as you can boil a lot at once and keep them in the fridge. Eggs are good and filling too. Thinly sliced ham and turkey are low cal but big in flavour and make easy snacks. Mini babybel cheeses are great too.

Keep on trucking, onwards and downwards!
Well done on such great weight loss results so far. It's good because it'll keep you motivated.
It's nice that you had a chat with your friend and were able to offer her some advice and support.
I know what you mean about bread...I try hard to resist it. The other day I made scrambled eggs and just had a bacon medallion with them instead of toast and I felt so much less bloated afterwards.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
Hi there everyone, well I truly fell off the wagon yesterday as my anxiety was through the roof. I do not leave the house except for emergencies but I have a support worker who has made it her mission to get me out and about so yesterday she took me to Lidls in the next town over. To say I was stressed is an understatement and unfortunately my default position is to comfort eat.

I refuse to beat myself up about it though as it is done, I've logged the calories on mfp and today is a new day.

I tested my blood sugar yesterday as well and it was way too high so I really have to cut my carbs right down. I think eggs and bacon are going to be my new favourite breakfast and it's going to be interesting seeing what I can have that will still be tasty and fill me up. I think I will be making different things to what my family will eat as well so that will take up a bit more time. Luckily I don't really do a lot during the day so will have the time to do this, silver linings and all that :).

Hope you are all still going, we are past the most miserable day of the year apparently so it can only get better. Take care xx
Sorry to hear you've been having anxiety issues, I know all too well what that's like. But it sounds like your eating blip was a one-off and hopefully you've jumped right back on that wagon, so well done! :) xx
well done on your lost do not worry about falling off the wagon we have all done it x x x
Sorry to hear about your anxiety the other day...anxiety is awful.
Just draw a line under it and move forward. You've done so well so far :)
I agree -draw a line under it and start a new day.
Hiya, I've loves following your journey, I've just popped back on the forum myself and I understand your pain I truly do! Your are doing amazing so if you slip don't worry. We don't gain all our weight in our day so it takes a while to come off, stay strong because we are only human. these changes are for life and I am subscribing to follow you as you continue! You can do this :) x
Hello lovely. Sorry to Heath you had such a difficult week. Let us know how you're doing, we're here to support you :) xx
Hello. I have just seen your diary and I'm joining to support. You are doing such a good job. Weight loss is a journey. one bad day does not a ruin a week of good.
Hiya how are you doing? Don't worry about when you have a difficult time, we all have them. :) Just draw a line and try to relax. Hopefully everything will fall in place for you soon x