70 Pounds to lose and I started yesterday!

7lbs is fantastic!! Well done, and only 38lbs to go, you must be so excited! :)
apico well done on your 7lb loss x x x
Thanks guys, been a down week for me. I had some feet issues and then I started a body cleanse which has not been to fun. I am gonna hit it hard this weekend in hopes to make some progress on the scale on Monday.

Hope all is well with you all :)

Oh so I committed to not getting a hair cut or shaving until I lost 50lbs but I have an interview on Tuesday so I had to get it done, here are the before and afters....lol!

Whit woo ;) It definitely suits you! :) You look very professional - especially picturing it in a suit which I assume will be the atire :D

Good luck love :D xx
Thank you all!

Had a great work out today, knocked out 10 miles after not doing much during the week. I have a great week ahead of me and hope to have shed a few pounds tomorrow. Got a lot planned this week and will focus on my weight loss as much as I can, I am pretty nervous so its good to have something important to focus on.

Wow! Well done lovely!!!

See if you can bring up your walking/determination/weight loss in your interview if they ask you questions about how you motivate yourself etc. You should rightly be very very proud and it shows you haven't sat on your bum and let the world go by! :)
Hi Minimin husband :D Firsly, hubba hubba! Looking good *winx* hahaha. Secondly, I would honestly put that gain down to muscle as you've been hitting it so hard!

You are doing so bloody well babe! Keep up the amazing work! xxx
Hi Minimin husband :D Firsly, hubba hubba! Looking good *winx* hahaha. Secondly, I would honestly put that gain down to muscle as you've been hitting it so hard!

You are doing so bloody well babe! Keep up the amazing work! xxx

Hahaha....Thank You! No accidents that I get a great message from you and then I knock out 14 miles today! :)

Your the best, hope all is well with you....your the best!
Hahaha....Thank You! No accidents that I get a great message from you and then I knock out 14 miles today! :)

Your the best, hope all is well with you....your the best!

Haha then you are quite welcome :) haha Though, totally can't help thinking you ran 14 miles to get away from me hahahah :p All is well with me, I'm really good :) Keep up the hard work, I want a hot hubby after all :p x
have you had your interview yet love? :D

I have, actually it was more like 3 Interviews with about 6 different people all for the same position. This company is very diligent on who they hire so they went the extra mile to make sure I was the man for the job. I am in "Sit and Wait" mode right now, they are following up with my references and I should here back from this later on in the week, hopefully they offer me the job at that point. I have been super stressed out over it all but did manage to work it out in a positive way for the most part which is new because normally I would eat my stress away. I was tempted but I overcame it for the most part, I did eat things normally outside of my diet but I did it in moderation but I was still nervous about the outcome whenever I stepped on the scale.

So this morning I gave it a go on the scale and I am down to 267lbs which means I was able to lose the 2lbs I gained last week and 1lb more for good measure so it was a great ending to a very stressful week.

This week still has me at the edge of my seat waiting to here back from the job and then I have some other financial issues that should be resolved this week so it hard not to let it all overwhelm me. I have been spending more time with the family which always helps and I do my best to work out but sometimes I dont think anything can get me up and going. Fortunately those times dont come up often at all so I do a decent job staying consistent, I really wished everything would have stayed calm and cool like it was when I lost my first 25lbs but since then I have been all up in my head with just enough effort to keep chipping away at the weight. I am blessed to be progressing and I have done my best to learn from it all so I can respond better should I find myself in a similar situation later on.

If I do get the job I will be moving to Santa Monica, California and will be getting an apartment within walking distance to the beach so that has been my motivation for the most part. If for whatever reason I dont get the job I will still be moving to Los Angeles, California and will be a short drive from the beach so my back up plan still gets me close enough to the beach and thats all I really want. These last 4 months have been hard but I know that I have come out ahead of it all and I am stronger and way more healthier than I have ever been so all the stress and worry has been worth it.

Like always I hope all is well with you all and I that your journey is going in a positive direction. :)
If I do get the job I will be moving to Santa Monica, California and will be getting an apartment within walking distance to the beach so that has been my motivation for the most part.

OMG that sounds amazing, I have fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you hun!!!! I lived on the beach when i lived in Sydney and it makes such a difference fitness wise - even for me, and I'm the laziest person in the universe! Each morning I would put my headphones on and go power walking up and down this beach Family Fun in Sydney: Freshwater Beach - and then swim a few lengths in the kiddies pool. I love being by the sea, it's so calming and also so invigorating!
well done on your loss your doing amazing hun and good luck with the job we are all behind you x x x x
well done on your loss your doing amazing hun and good luck with the job we are all behind you x x x x


They contacted me yesterday while I was on the second half of my 4 mile walk, I was not able to answer do the the noise outside so I called them back as soon as I got back home and they gave me the good news. So now I get to look for a place near the beach and will begin working on the 13th of October. This week began great and is only getting better, I have one more important thing hanging in the balance so here's hopping the positive results keep coming.

Gonna push really hard the rest of this week and the next since it will be my last not having to juggle anything outside of working out and eating right....