88 days and counting....


Full Member
Well hello, I've been around for a while, not getting anywhere really.. My head just hasn't been in the best place but now it needs to be..

So here goes.. 88 days and counting.. The countdown is to a a family birthday and holiday, so I just want to spend the remainder of 2012 getting this weight off, then that's it..I don't want to spend another year yo yo dieting.

I can't promise I'm any good at this, but I'm willing to do my very best.

Id love ( read I'm desperate) for support.. Thanks for reading and wish me luck..
Day 1

So weighed in at 191.6. Eeekk, that's my most except when pregnant..going to try to leave it as long as possible before I start my packs.. Plan is 4 packs most of the time, but will go three and protein if i fancy a change.

Trying to keep busy as much as possible, so todays agenda is a friend visiting with her two little ones, a walk and then a cooking session for the rest of the family. I'm cooking something I don't like much so shouldn't drool too much.

Here goes.. Have a good day everyone.
Good luck!
Good luck. Give a good crack, get into ketosis and don't break ketosis as it can be hard to get into the zone again. Be prepared for temptation and nay Sayers they can upend you. Come on here frequently ;-)
i have been on this for 5 weeks in total I used to be snug in a 22 now I can wear a 16 top and 18 bottom. Clothes that didn't fit 2 weeks ago are loose today. A vlcd is a miracle of weight loss but only if you follow it without deviation. Don't let others put you off. Once yr in ketosis you rarely feel hungry and the weight will fall off you

Good luck :)
Good luck with the plan! I'm starting soon, had a bit of a blip being switched medications but can't wait to get back on plan! xxx
Day 2

Morning all. First day done. I'm a daily weigher, not sure if good or not, but 189.8 today so 1.8 pounds list..

Struggled to get my packs in yesterday.. Eating later really helped..

Had straw shake, lemon bar, spag Bol and cottage pie. All good!

Anyway busy day ahead entertaining the groups plus applying for a few jobs.. I lost my job a few months back and boy it's not easy finding another..

Have a good day all and thank you for popping in x
Yay for a good day yesterday.

I know what you mean about jobs - it's barren around where I live unless you have a common degree (I don't!) - hope you find something soon.

Hi only way is down!

My goal date is Dec 1st too!

Do you have an iPhone? I've downloaded a really cool app called TargetWeight and you input days and lb to go its so cool does a graph and stats! Good motivator!

Ill help you. I too agree if I spend 3 months going hard then I'm hoping this is the last time EVER I'll have to lose the weight. It will go really quickly.

My diary is Ibiza Body 1 stone to lose check it out. Keep at the packs I lost 6 lb in my first week. Don't bi be after like I did though and put it back on :-(

Good luck. Sam xxx
I started as 11.8 my heaviest when I was 20.

Got down to 9.7 by 21st.

Lowest was 8.9lb at 23, but have out on a stone back to 9.9.

Final goal is 8st7lb by this Christmas.

I've realised now that to have a good body you have to work hard. Stuffing your face and not working out does not give you a dream body.

We will have out dream bodies by Chridtmas... Best Christmas present ever! LBDssss!xxxx

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