8th weight in


Silver Member
Well got weight in today and down another 5lbs great but overall I am down 38lbs which is fab but most of all the surprise for me was I had a pair of jeans from 5yrs ago in size 14 I was putting them away when I said I would see how long more before I get into them.
well up they went not a bother with them and no lying on the bed to zip the up I was so happy for myself . Went out with the kids this evening and had lots of neighbours tell me I looked great now it could have been the pirate costume I was wearing but I like to think it down to my weight loss
WOW many many congratulations Mburke, you have had an amazing result again. Well done to you and long may it continue to get you to goal asap.

I love it when I can get my old clothes back on. I was bursting out of the biggest size 16 trousers I had and was needing to buy size 18s but started the diet. I'm now going into a size 12 but not quite there yet as the 14s are big but the 12s are just a tad too tight, give it a few weeks and I'll be strutting my stuff in the 12s.
Wow congrats

Ms r can I ask how many weeks you've been following the plan? I'm fit to burst out of my 16 s too n have loafs of 14s n 12s crying to be worn again :)
Hi Shell09

I've now been on the plan for 11 weeks tomorrow and I'm fast heading towards my size 12s as my 14s are really lose on me. I think every lady is the same having a wardrobe containing every size from 10s to 18s and onwards lol. This time I've binned my bigger clothes so no going back for me as it will cost a fortune to restock my wardrobe!! I can't wait to ditch all of the 14s but it will be a couple of weeks yet as some are still fitting ok, there just isn't a standard size in any clothes these days!!

Best of luck, it's not easy but it just becomes a way of life and you will still be able to enjoy your life and enjoy social events with friends and family, you just won't be able to eat or drink alcohol but that's not what is important, it's the catching up and spending time with family and friends that's important or seeing a movie at the cinema or whatever it is but you will enjoy it so much more being slim and healthy so keep that in mind. This diet works and it works fast.....what other plan would I have lost over 3st in just 10 weeks???