9th WI

Determined Girl

Here's hoping
4.5lbs this week! Pretty pleased with that!

That's fantastic, well done Luce!!! Here's to another week!
That is brilliant your very consistant great ting on this diet! really well done especially since you've been having a hard time of late.
Fabulouso Lucy! Fantastic sweetie! 53lbs of the vile stuff banished forever.

Can I ask a question - I was thinking of lowering my goal weight. I'm the same height as you, did you have any particular reason for your goal weight? Did the chemist advise that weight or were you once happiest at that weight?

I know, so nosy, sorry Lucy

And you should be pleased, that is a great loss babes well done!
well done luce! i am BURSTING with admiration for you for sticking to this regime when you've had such a tough time! i agree with the inspectors at your school by the way - you my friend, are outstanding! xx
well done hunny. gr8 loss. :)
Well done you :D