Extra Easy A big moan ... :)

Well done for quitting - I am really 'lucky' in that when I gave up smoking, i had to as I got severe asthma about 6 years ago, lol. I remember trying to smoke and just having a coughing fit, so I gave up overnight and have never looked back! I say I am lucky as I didn't have the option to smoke again like others do - as I physically couldn't breathe it in without choking - so I just stopped, no cravings or anything. I lost 5 stone soon after that (I got ill!!) and felt on top of the world, like i could do anything - lose weight without trying, just 'stop' smoking...then started eating crap...next thing the bad habits slip back in and now I'm trying to lose weight the 'natural' way (and not on the Dengue Fever diet!)

Bad habits are easy to make, but hard to break...but it can be done, you now have 2 of you to think about, and it is much, much better for baby if you are making conscious and permenant changes to your lifestyle...it won't happen overnight, and you'll make mistakes and have to climb back on board but we're only human. Don't be too hard on yourself! I don't want/have kids personally but I imagine being pregnant is a whole minefield of hormones and emotions so I can't imagine how hard it must be making these changes during pregnancy, but it will be worth it ;)
I wish I had been one of the ones where it fell off when I was breast feeding but unfortunately that wasn't the case for me. I was very careful during pregnancy then put a lot on after both my children because I had such a hard time breast feeding. Midwife kept telling me to eat snickers bars and chips to thicken my milk which I did but it didn't help at all except to thicken me up!
I wish I had been one of the ones where it fell off when I was breast feeding but unfortunately that wasn't the case for me. I was very careful during pregnancy then put a lot on after both my children because I had such a hard time breast feeding. Midwife kept telling me to eat snickers bars and chips to thicken my milk which I did but it didn't help at all except to thicken me up!

Wow midwifes do give random advice sometimes don't they?? I wish someone would prescribe me chips lol x
you've gained 7.5lbs in 18 weeks of pregnancy? Thats not bad going if so! Its not just baby weight remember - theres the placenta and all that fluid. Its natural that you will put on a little weight, so don't be disheartened. Eat healthily for your baby and remember how much you don't want to gain too much - and then concentrate on getting back into shape after your little one is born. Congratulations too!
you've gained 7.5lbs in 18 weeks of pregnancy? Thats not bad going if so! Its not just baby weight remember - theres the placenta and all that fluid. Its natural that you will put on a little weight, so don't be disheartened. Eat healthily for your baby and remember how much you don't want to gain too much - and then concentrate on getting back into shape after your little one is born. Congratulations too!

Thanks for the message. Yes past time I weighed few days ago I'd put on 7.5 and in my mind I should accept its not that bad but yet I still think oh I wouldn't have gained so much if I'd eaten a bit better and not binged so much but what I have accepted in last couple of day is I can take it from here and not cry about the past meals lol :) x
I had gained 2.5 stone at the same point in my pregnancy as you have so you are doing 2 stone better than me! :) xxx
I gained a pound this week and I'm not even pregnant! It can happen to all of us at any time x
I was having a sulky day yesterday and "spoke" before I thought about it lol.
I just want to be healthy and not go wild but brain has other ideas and I keep "bingeing" I just need to step away from the cakes :)

My meals are great is the snacks that I have a hard time with. My poor little girl has a big time sweet tooth just like mama lol at restaurant other day she kept saying cakies mummy.... Ooohhh dear :( x